The sessions dealt with new cultures and techniques, physiology and endocrinology of cells in vitro, production of specific proteins in vitro, cell differentiation and gene expression, application of cell cultures to pathology and microbiology, fish cell culture development and application, and new cell lines and their characterization.
The science and common sense behind creating an inexpensive,flourishing marine aquarium Marine Aquarium Keeping is the firstcomplete, step-by-step handbook to bring scientific perspective andinsight to the practical basics of assembling and successfullymaintaining a conventional marine aquarium. While minimizinggadgetry and underscoring a simple, commonsense regimen of looking,seeing, and understanding, author and marine biologist StephenSpotte offers logical, chapter-by-chapter guidance to every facetof the hobby--from choosing equipment and setting up an aquarium,to selecting healthy animals and maintaining a flourishingunderwater environment. Inside, readers will discover: * How to make a new aquarium suitable for sustaining life * How to select healthy animals from species demonstrating goodcaptive survival * The step-by-step basics of routine maintenance * How to easily meet the nutritional requirements of marineanimals * The key to disease prevention * The use of seawater and artificial seawaters * The living subgravel filter * Aquarium decorations as shelter spaces and as aestheticfeatures * The marine aquarium as a living community An extensive health and disease section offers detailed,easy-to-follow treatment regimens, several unique to this volume,for a variety of common diseases. Current controversies and popularmyths surrounding aquarium keeping, such as the benefits ofsupplemental light and the superiority of plastic filtrants, arealso examined. A wealth of black-and-white and color photographsthat strikingly depict marine animals in their natural habitatbring key facets of the text to life. Indispensable to the amateuraquarist who appreciates both the beauty and science of thisfascinating pastime, this newest edition of the popular classic isthe complete guide to successful, inexpensive marine aquariumkeeping.
* Discusses human, mammalian, insect and plant viruses in invertebrate cell culture systems* Addresses the commercial application of these systems in biotechnology and insect pest control* Brings together for the first time in over two decades the large body of information and significant achievements in the field
Introduction to the Practice of Fishery Science covers the role of fishery science in various social affairs. This book is divided into three parts encompassing 15 chapters. Part I is about the profession, what is embodied in a professional career and the expanding challenges to the profession, with a summary of the work of organizations that employ fishery scientists. Part II deals with the traditional sciences that apply to the aquatic environment and its organisms. This part also tackles their biology, ecology, populations, and culture. Part III presents an overall qualitative concept of the activity of fishery scientists. This part also provides a perspective on fishery problems in several major areas and the ways in which the many kinds of scientists are attacking them. This book will prove useful to fishery scientists, researchers, and students.
Aquaculture is the science and technology of balanced support from the biological and engi producing aquatic plants and animals. It is not neering sciences. However, commercial aqua new, but has been practiced in certain Eastern culture has become so complex that, in order to cultures for over 2,000 years. However, the role be successful, one must also draw upon the ex of aquaculture in helping to meet the world's pertise of biologists, engineers, chemists, econ food shortages has become more recently ap omists, food technologists, marketing special parent. ists, lawyers, and others. The multidisciplinary The oceans of the world were once consid approach to aquaculture production became ap ered sources of an unlimited food supply. Bio parent during the early 1990s. It is believed that logical studies indicate that the maximum sus this trend will continue as aquaculture produc tainable yield of marine species through the tion becomes more and more intensive in order harvest of wild stock is 100 million MT (metric for the producer to squeeze as much product as tons) per year. Studies also indicate that we are possible out of a given parcel of land. Although many aquaculture books exist, few rapidly approaching the maximum sustainable yield of the world's oceans and major freshwa explore the engineering aspects of aquaculture ter bodies. Per capita consumption of fishery production.