comparing feelings to salt. my tears are salty. but these are not sad tears. these are the tears of all emotions I feel. because I feel so much - and more. do you too?
"It could be quite relaxing not to have to fulfill their expectations, because in their minds, their world, you were already doing it." Charlie Miller was incomparably typically herself. Always, at every moment. She carried something with her that she didn't want everyone to know right away, because she didn't have the courage to tell others yet. It was up to Charlie herself to find the courage to show everyone, but above all her family, who she really was. Because that was what was going to make her happy, wasn't it? "Soon I will. Will I? Do I dare? I want to, I must. I will. Soon." A queer story leading to the self of reality.
"Are you writing in your diary?" they always ask, either scoffing or in honest curiousity. My answer has always been the same. "No." Writing diary entries feels weird for me, forced even. Yet this collection - even though it is no diary - resembles one in many ways. I found a way to express myself, my emotions and my creativity, and I'm finally willing to share.
Being able to taste people's emotions in food may at first be horrifying. But young, unassuming Rose Edelstein grows up learning to harness her gift as she becomes aware that there are secrets even her taste buds cannot discern.
The curly blond hair is what I noticed first. No, wait. It was the eyes. Those deeply blue and unsettling eyes that feel like an ice-cold lake. It must have definitely been those eyes. Or was it her voluptuous rosy lips? Why am I unable to process a proper thought since she walked in? My name is Emilia, Emmy for short. And this is where my story begins.
The wish to commune with one another is as engraved in our fragile minds as our need for water. For Orleon will this wish become more apparent and harrowing then ever before, when he comes face to face with the horrendous realization, that his words... lose all meaning.
Kann man sich verlieben, obwohl man es nicht möchte und genau weiß, dass die Person einen nie zurück lieben wird? Wer diese Frage mit "Ja" beantworten kann, weiß aus Erfahrung, wie sich ein Herz anfühlt, das vor Liebe überläuft, aber niemanden hat, der es auffüllt, wenn es sich leert. Liebe ist stark, sie ist schön und mitreißend. Nur kann sie einen in etwas reißen, aus dem man sich selbst wieder retten muss. Ein gebrochenes Herz. Es heilt mit der Zeit nur sehen und fühlen wir dies meist nicht, doch es passiert. Wunden heilen, Schmerz verblasst und Ruhe klopft an deine Tür. Dieses Buch widmet sich dem Gefühl von Liebe für eine Person, die man niemals hätte lieben sollen und doch geschieht es, denn Herzen sind resistent gegen rationale Gedanken. Gedichte halten die Schönheit und Unverständlichkeit aller Gefühle fest, weswegen dieses Buch als Ganzes ein Spiegel für jeden ist, der liebt, ohne den Sinn dahinter zu suchen, zu leiden und zu heilen, als hätte es Wunden nie gegeben. Für dich.
In dem Kopf eines introvertierten, träumerischen und an sich selbst zweifelnden Menschen, kann viel passieren. In ihm kommen Dinge zusammen, Gefühle und Gedanken, die er nicht laut ausspricht, sondern in Form von Gedichten auf Papier bringt um damit umzugehen. Gedanken über Liebe, Traurigkeit, Freude, Schönheit, Fiktion und Selbstzweifel, in denen sich der ein oder andere vielleicht widerfindet. Und alle anderen sehen zumindest, wie es in diesem Menschen wirklich aussieht.
Two minutes before maturation I cut my barbie's lackluster hair scars must undergo proliferation until they're barely there. This book is not an average adolescence novel, it's an anthology of thirteen poems and illustration, depicting the joys and sorrows of growing up as a girl. Let's do your inner child a favor by grabbing a copy and a cup of tee and make yourself comfortable in your own (imaginary) teenage room.
If people really are what they eat, then who could be a better judge of character than a waitress? Keely Nolan has worked at the local diner for years and got her customers all figured out; possibly even knowing them better than they know themselves. Or so she thinks. A story about life in a not so idyllic and picture-perfect part of an all-American small town, exploring the deeper reasons that can sometimes lie beneath seemingly plain and simple everyday choices. Sensitive topics, including but not limited to eating disorders, drug abuse and domestic violence are touched upon.