The purpose of this book is to provide an understanding of the rules of Bible interpretation and to lay the groundwork for testing the validity of one's interpretation and application.. Expository Hermeneutics breaks new ground in developing principles and strategies for the historico-grammatical, or 'literal', interpretation of scripture.
Expository Hermeneutics invites the student on a journey to a life and ministry based on exposition of the Bible. Hermeneutics provides a guide to understand the message and apply that message in its original setting and then in a comparative way in the contemporary day. We adopt the Scriptures' view of itself as God's word. As a result, we believe the Bible has a truth value as reflected in the canon of Scripture. The goal of hermeneutics defines verbal meaning as the author's willed type message read as a whole book, so that the message is communicated with a truth content to be understood. The method of hermeneutics is both read in a circular pattern and practiced as an objective task. It is objective in the sense that God authors a transhistorical message and the reader is aware of their own presuppositions and adopts those of Scripture. As such the message can be validated in its truth content. However, this does not prove it true even though it provides an evidential conviction that the truth value has been understood.
This textbook provides students and general readers with clear, accessible guidance for interpreting the Bible. With nearly 120,000 copies sold, it has become a trusted resource for serious students of the Bible. The authors' successful approach shows how proper theory leads to sound practice. This book gives readers not only an understanding of the principles of proper biblical interpretation but also the ability to apply those principles in sermon preparation, personal Bible study, or writing. The authors outline a seven-step hermeneutical process that includes (1) historical-cultural analysis, (2) written contextual analysis, (3) lexical-syntactical analysis, (4) literary analysis, (5) theological analysis, (6) comparison with other interpreters, and (7) application. The third edition has been updated throughout to account for new developments in the field and to incorporate feedback from professors and students. Exercises have also been updated and streamlined. Resources for instructors are available through Textbook eSources.
Scott Gibson and Matthew Kim, both experienced preachers and teachers, have brought together four preaching experts--Bryan Chapell, Kenneth Langley, Abraham Kuruvilla, and Paul Scott Wilson--to present and defend their approaches to homiletics. Reflecting current streams of thought in homiletics, the book offers a robust discussion of theological and hermeneutical approaches to preaching and encourages pastors and ministry students to learn about preaching from other theological traditions. It also includes discussion questions for direct application to one's preaching.
The purpose of this study on charismatic and expository preaching is to find the common ground of the two preaching methods and solidify them into a sound, biblical and theological preaching method that will edify the body of Christ and lead to growth for local churches. To solidify charismatic and expository preaching, it is necessary to explore the hermeneutical, exegetical, and homiletical issues that divide the two methods regarding the work of the Holy Spirit and the gifts the Spirit bestows to believers for ministry. Charismatic interpretations concerning the gifts of the Spirit revolve around “speaking in tongues” as the primary identifier of being filled with the Spirit, which most expository preachers and scholars view as an incorrect interpretation. This study seeks to answer these problems in the quest of unifying both preaching methods.
In the homiletics field, a text has been needed that blends hermeneutics, sermon development, and sermon delivery. Engaging Exposition fills that gap with what its experienced authors call a "3-D approach" to preaching. Bill Curtis writes about the Discovery process—how to equip the student to discover the meaning of a biblical text by using sound principles of interpretation, and to move from biblical analysis to biblical interpretation. Danny Akin addresses the Development process—how to equip the student to develop expository sermons based upon results of the interpretive process, and to move from the Main Idea of the Text (MIT) to the completed sermon. Stephen Rummage explains the Delivery process—how to equip students to deliver expository messages using the completed sermon, and to move from an understanding of speech communication principles to persuasive delivery.
In this revised and expanded edition, Grant Osborne provides seminary students and working pastors with the full set of tools they need to travel the hermeneutical spiral—moving from sound exegesis to the development of biblical and systematic theologies and to the preparation of sound, biblical sermons.
This project addresses the influence and role of the Southern Baptist (SB) expository preaching methodology by examining the role of expository preaching, its innate characteristics, and its espousal by SB pastors and theologians in the twentieth century for influencing personal and social values and politics in the twenty-first century.