The 28th conference from the Rochester series was the major high energy physics conference in 1996. Volume one contains short reports on new theoretical and experimental results. Volume two consists of the review talks presented in the plenary sessions.
This volume focuses on the following topics: DIS at small x and structure functions, diffractive events and the nature of the Pomeron, hadronic final states, photoproduction and DIS at low Q2 and vector meson production.
This book is the result of a broad-based and in-depth study of high energy physics commissioned by the Executive Committee of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society. This year-long study was initiated in the early 1994, in the wake of the cancellation of the SSC, and is meant to complement the report of the Drell HEPAP subpanel, charged with providing a vision for the future of the field. The DPF study of high energy physics was organized on the basis of the working groups, each led by a number of co-conveners chosen among established leaders in the various subspecialties in the field. These conveners, in turn, organized their working groups by inviting other active workers in the discipline to participate and gathered further input from the community by holding a variety of specialized meetings and workshops. This book contains the final reports of the 11 working groups assembled for the study, along with an extended overview and executive summary by the editors.
These proceedings contain descriptions of the latest experiments and results in a variety of hot topics, such as the growth of total cross sections, the ratio of real to imaginary parts of forward scattering amplitudes, etc. Current theories of particle interaction based on QCD were presented and confronted by the latest experimental results from FNAL, CERN, HERA and elsewhere. The theoretical situation seems less clear, or at least more open to argument and criticism, leveled by the different groups responsible and present at the workshop.
Part of a two-volume set of conference proceedings, exploring the latest research developments in high energy physics. Highlights include material on the top quark and modern hadron spectroscopy.
The proceedings of DIS 2001 present the most updated status of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) physics. Topics like structure function measurements and phenomenology, QCD studies in DIS and photoproduction, spin physics and diffractive interactions are reviewed in detail, with emphasis on those studies that push the test of QCD and the Standard Model to the limits of their present range of validity, towards both the very high and the very low four-momentum transfers in the lepton-proton scattering. Moreover, this workshop coincided with the transition between the first period of experimentation at the HERA ep collider at DESY and the start of the updated HERA II operation -- allowing a review of what has been learned up to now and a discussion on the main future directions of research in this field.