Este texto, dirigido a estudiantes de pregrado que tengan un conocimiento previo acerca de la teoría de probabilidad, recoge la experiencia académica del autor en cursos de pregrado y postgrado en diferentes disciplinas, tales como matemáticas, estadística aplicada, ciencias económicas y ciencias de la salud. Como resultado del continuo procesamiento y análisis estadístico de datos reales en trabajos de tesis o de profundización, el autor incluye una selección de ejemplos y ejercicios de aplicación para hacer más comprensible el abordaje de temas como Distribuciones continuas, Distribuciones muestrales, Estimación de parámetros, Prueba de hipótesis y Regresión lineal simple.
Book's content and also references for related works of fiction, and other material of a more informal nature. For Psychologists, Management and Businesspersons or other social or behavioral science-related professionals who are looking to sharpen their understanding of research methods.
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, is a book that is intended for university students of any college. You'll find theory as summaries, and exercises solved, on the following topics: Descriptive Statistics, Confidence Intervals and Test Hypothesis for means, proportions and variances for one sample, Chi Square Test, Test Hypothesis for means, proportions and variances, for two or more samples, and Regression line. Statistical software such as SPSS, Minitab, programs have been used in the resolution of problems and in some cases have been resolved by using the Excel and also manually.
A more detailed picture of prehistoric sequences in the southwest has emerged over the past few years through the work of new field projects. Although this work is still in its infancy, this volume addresses one of the key questions which must be addressed throughout this and future research, namely the development and identification of inequalities within the archaeological record. More specifically this study presents the first synthesis of material in the region of Sierra de Huelva, c.2500-750 BC, combining theoretical concepts and suppositions with an attempt to investigate them through data from survey and excavations. Includes an English abstract and summary on each chapter.
"Classroom Cheats Turn to Computers." "Student Essays on Internet Offer Challenge to Teachers." "Faking the Grade." Headlines such as these have been blaring the alarming news of an epidemic of plagiarism and cheating in American colleges: more than 75 percent of students admit to having cheated; 68 percent admit to cutting and pasting material from the Internet without citation. Professors are reminded almost daily that many of today's college students operate under an entirely new set of assumptions about originality and ethics. Practices that even a decade ago would have been regarded almost universally as academically dishonest are now commonplace. Is this development an indication of dramatic shifts in education and the larger culture? In a book that dismisses hand-wringing in favor of a rich account of how students actually think and act, Susan D. Blum discovers two cultures that exist, often uneasily, side by side in the classroom. Relying extensively on interviews conducted by students with students, My Word! presents the voices of today's young adults as they muse about their daily activities, their challenges, and the meanings of their college lives. Outcomes-based secondary education, the steeply rising cost of college tuition, and an economic climate in which higher education is valued for its effect on future earnings above all else: These factors each have a role to play in explaining why students might pursue good grades by any means necessary. These incentives have arisen in the same era as easily accessible ways to cheat electronically and with almost intolerable pressures that result in many students being diagnosed as clinically depressed during their transition from childhood to adulthood. However, Blum suggests, the real problem of academic dishonesty arises primarily from a lack of communication between two distinct cultures within the university setting. On one hand, professors and administrators regard plagiarism as a serious academic crime, an ethical transgression, even a sin against an ethos of individualism and originality. Students, on the other hand, revel in sharing, in multiplicity, in accomplishment at any cost. Although this book is unlikely to reassure readers who hope that increasing rates of plagiarism can be reversed with strongly worded warnings on the first day of class, My Word! opens a dialogue between professors and their students that may lead to true mutual comprehension and serve as the basis for an alignment between student practices and their professors' expectations.