"This book covers the evolution of environmental site assessment practices from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA- 1970), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA- 1976), Comprehensive Enrironmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA- 1980) to the development of an industry standard in 1993 (ASTM E1527) and the final AAI standards as published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2005"--Page xii.
This handbook demonstrates how OECD instruments on due diligence can be applied to address environmental risks and impacts in mineral supply chains by contextualising existing recommendations and directing users towards useful resources.
How can you be sure you are buying the company you think you are? Are you sure it is as good as the seller says? How can you be certain unexpected costs and obligations will not suddenly appear once you are the owner and responsible for them? How best can you arm yourself for the negotiations? Have you worked out precisely what you are going to do with it once it is yours? How do you set the priorities for change to recoup the premium you have paid for it? The answer to all these questions, and many more, lies with effective due diligence. Due diligence is one of the most important but least well understood aspects of the acquisition process. It is not, as many believe, a chore to be left to the accountants and lawyers. To get the best from it, due diligence has to be properly planned and professionally managed. This book is a comprehensive manual on getting due diligence right. It is a uniquely comprehensive guide, covering all aspects of the process from financial, legal and commercial due diligence right through to environmental and intellectual property due diligence. There are also useful chapters on working with advisers and managing due diligence projects. It also includes a number of checklists to help ensure that the right questions are asked.
Global regulatory standards are emerging from the environmental and health jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice, the World Trade Organization, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and investor-state dispute settlement. Most prominent are the three standards of regulatory coherence, due regard for the rights of others, and due diligence in the prevention of harm. These global regulatory standards are a phenomenon of our times, representing a new contribution to the ordering of the relationship between domestic and international law, and a revised conception of sovereignty in an increasingly pluralistic global legal era. However, the legitimacy of the resulting 'standards-enriched' international law remains open to question. International courts and tribunals should not be the only fora in which these standards are elaborated, and many challenges and opportunities lie ahead in the ongoing development of global regulatory standards. Debate over whether regulatory coherence should go beyond reasonableness and rationality requirements and require proportionality stricto sensu in the relationship between regulatory measures and their objectives is central. Due regard, the most novel of the emerging standards, may help protect international law's legitimacy claims in the interim. Meanwhile, all actors should attend to the integration rather than the fragmentation of international law, and to changes in the status of private actors.
Real Estate Due Diligence is the first textbook on due diligence, the cornerstone of every successful real estate deal. Due diligence is designed to uncover potential risks posed by a real estate acquisition, financing, or development project and failure to carry it out successfully can result in costly oversights and diminished investment returns. This book demonstrates how to assess and manage legal risks on properties such as office buildings, shopping centres, industrial buildings, apartments, and hotels—before the transaction closes. Real estate students and practitioners are taken through all of the essential due diligence areas, including: Titles and ownership issues Zoning and land use Liens and mortgages Condition assessments Environmental and operational concerns And lease analysis Throughout the book, major laws and court cases are used to illustrate due diligence issues and provide rich opportunities for classroom study and discussion. Practice points and comprehensive due diligence checklists help readers to go on to put their learning in practice. This book fills a gap in the real estate literature and is perfect for use as a college textbook, a practitioner’s guide, or for industry training.
The interplay between procedure and substance has not been a major point of contention for international environmental lawyers. Arguably, the topic’s low profile is due to the mostly uncontroversial nature of the field’s distinction between procedural and substantive obligations. Furthermore, the vast majority of environmental law scholars and practitioners have tended to welcome the procedural features of multilateral environmental agreements and their potential to promote regime evolution and effectiveness. However, recent developments have served to put the spotlight on certain aspects of the procedure substance topic. ICJ judgments revealed ambiguity on aspects of the customary law framework on transboundary harm prevention that the field had thought largely settled. In turn, in the treaty context, the Paris Agreement’s retreat from binding emissions targets and its decisive turn towards procedure reignited concerns in some quarters over the “proceduralization” of international environmental law. The two developments invite a closer look at the respective roles of, and the relationship between, procedure and substance in this field and, more specifically, in the context of harm prevention under customary and treaty law.
Due Diligence in International Law identifies due diligence as the missing link between state responsibility and international liability. Acknowledged in all legal fields, it ensures international peaceful cooperation and prevents significant transboundary harm, yet it has thus far not been comprehensively discussed in literature. The present volume fills this void. Kulesza identifies due diligence as a principle of international law and traces its evolution throughout centuries. The no-harm principle, key to identifying responsibility for transboundary harm, focal to international environmental law and applicable to e.g. combating terrorism, follows states’ obligation of due diligence in preventing foreign harm. This obligation, present in various treaty-based and customary regimes is argued to be a principle of international public law applicable to all obligations of conduct.