This unique, multilingual, encyclopedic dictionary in two volumes covers terms regularly used in landscape and urban planning, as well as environmental protection. The languages are American and British English, Spanish (with many Latin-American equivalents), French, and German. The encyclopedia also provides various interpretations of the terms at the planning, legal or technical level, which make its meaning more precise and its usage clearer.
El libro incluye los elementos conceptuales y metodológicos que todo estudiante debe dominar al momento de realizar el diseño de una propuesta de intervención mediante la elaboración de un programa o proyecto social, considerando no sólo la concreción de la fase de la programación, sino desde los diferentes niveles del proceso de la planeación; con ello se brinda mayor certeza y seguridad de que la atención de los problemas sociales se centren en la identificación del problema principal, sus causas y sus efectos.
The book compiles case studies regarding the biodiversity research and monitoring program of Andean species and habitats carefully chosen as indicators to assess the short- and long-term effects of a linear disturbance: the PERU LNG pipeline. Set in a scientifically unexplored region of the Andes, Monitoring Biodiversity clearly articulates the Smithsonian-led conceptual framework for the implementation in the field by scientists. It addresses scientific and conservation questions addressed by the research protocols, the experimental design, and data gathering. Moreover, the book covers a gap on how to integrate biodiversity research, monitoring, and conservation into sustainable development projects of national and international interest. The text is presented in both English and Spanish.
This study examines how the Bank approached environmental concerns in several large projects in Brazil, so as to draw lessons for future Bank operations involving environmental protection, assessment, and management for the guidelines and procedures that shape these activities. The study also illustrates the evolution of environmental awareness both in the Bank and Brazil, and the growing integration of environmental concerns into Bank-assisted projects over the past two decades. The report traces the direct and indirect impacts of the investments involved on both the natural resource base and existing communities, new settlements, and productive activities and to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of planned mitigatory measures. The report draws lessons in three overlapping areas: environmental protection; environmental assessment and management; and Bank activities and procedures. Preconditions for effective environmental protection are: policy, legal, and regulatory framework; institutional and technical capacity; political commitment and accountability; public awareness and community participation; regulations and economic incentives. It concludes with lessons for environmental assessment and management and recommendations for Bank operations.