much of the available world literature is not being The phenomenal growth of science and technology processed and distilled. has brought about a universal appreciation of the fact that present limitations in many technical develop When the Electronic Properties Information Center ments are often a direct result of the paucity of knowl (EPIC), formerly operated by the Hughes Aircraft Co. , was merged with CINDAS in 1972, the basic ac edge on material properties. Engineering develop tivities of EPIC were continued, however, in a much ments in the years ahead will be closely linked to the research that is done today to contribute to a better restructured form, closely paralleling procedures and understanding of the properties of matter, of which concepts used in the area of thermophysical proper ties. Hence, as a complementary effort to its data electronic, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties evaluation activities, the present companion set of four constitute a major segment. While research on the properties of materials con volumes entitled "Electronic Properties Research Lit tinues, adequate steps are not being taken to ensure erature Retrieval Guide" is published for the first time by CINDAS. Somewhat similar in intent, but that this invaluable body of information is coordi much less structured in presentation, three volumes nated, synthesized, organized, and disseminated to the (each in two parts) were published earlier by EPIC ultimate user, namely, the individual scientist and engineer. in 1965,1967, and 1971, entitled "Electronic Prop erties of Materials-A Guide to the Literature.
This book focuses on current practices in scientific and technical communication, historical aspects, and characteristics and bibliographic control of various forms of scientific and technical literature. It integrates the inventory approach for scientific and technical communication.
much of the available world literature is not being The phenomenal growth of science and technology processed and distilled. has brought about a universal appreciation of the fact that present limitations in many technical develop When the Electronic Properties Information Center ments are often a direct result of the paucity of knowl (EPIC), formerly operated by the Hughes Aircraft Co. , was merged with CINDAS in 1972, the basic ac edge on material properties. Engineering develop tivities of EPIC were continued, however, in a much ments in the years ahead will be closely linked to the research that is done today to contribute to a better restructured form, closely paralleling procedures and understanding of the properties of matter, of which concepts used in the area of thermophysical proper ties. Hence, as a complementary effort to its data electronic, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties evaluation activities, the present companion set of four constitute a major segment. While research on the properties of materials con volumes entitled "Electronic Properties Research Lit tinues, adequate steps are not being taken to ensure erature Retrieval Guide" is published for the first time by CINDAS. Somewhat similar in intent, but that this invaluable body of information is coordi much less structured in presentation, three volumes nated, synthesized, organized, and disseminated to the (each in two parts) were published earlier by EPIC ultimate user, namely, the individual scientist and engineer. in 1965,1967, and 1971, entitled "Electronic Prop erties of Materials-A Guide to the Literature.