A partir de ideas, casos prácticos y conceptos sobre talento humano, este libro ofrece una manera diferente y superadora de pensar, diseñar e implementar estrategias para la gestión de los talentos en las organizaciones. Se invita a los lectores a ir más allá de las "recetas", para reflexionar desde la propia problemática del talento humano. Se presentan en cada capítulo un conjunto de herramientas conocidas y se ofrecen guías para ajustarlas a la realidad propia -con sus potencialidades y limitaciones- para ser utilizadas en cada situación concreta. Así, el capítulo "final" lo escriben los propios lectores.
A balance of practical and applied material which also underpins the crucial theoretical concepts that are being applied in today's human resources. For undergraduate/graduate courses in Human Resource Management.
International businesses struggle to be competitive and influential at the global market level. With the new ideas in the management and leadership disciplines, hard skills are losing or are believed to be losing their strategic relevance while soft skills are praised and highly sought after. The Handbook of Research on International Business and Models for Global Purpose-Driven Companies, a pivotal reference source, provides vital research on international business management strategies and applications within internal organizations that allow companies to strategically position themselves for increased success in the global economy. While highlighting topics such as organizational culture, internal communication, and generational workforce, this publication explores leadership disciplines as well as the methods of handling multicultural organizations. This book is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, executives, managers, business professionals, human resource officials, researchers, academicians, and students.
Countries have been competing against each other in order to attract financial investment and human capital for decades. However, emerging economies have a long way to go before they achieve the same levels of competitiveness as a developed economy. Lack of firm institutions, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of trust in the legal system are urgent and unavoidable factors that emerging economies must address. The Handbook of Research on Increasing the Competitiveness of SMEs provides innovative insights on integrating, adapting, and building models and strategies compatible with the development of competitiveness in small and medium enterprises in emerging countries. The content within this publication examines quality management, organizational leadership, and digital security. It is designed for policymakers, entrepreneurs, managers, executives, business professionals, academicians, researchers, and students.
These proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 19th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG 2023) hosted by ACI and Bayes Business School, City, University of London, UK on 23 - 24 November 2023. The Conference Chair is Dr Martin Rich from Bayes Business School, City, University of London, UK. ECMLG is now a well-established event on the academic research calendar and now in its 19th year. The key aim remains the opportunity for participants to share ideas and meet the people who hold them. The scope of papers will ensure an interesting two days. The subjects covered illustrate the wide range of topics that fall into this important and ever-growing area of research. The opening keynote presentation is given by Dr Jeffrey Ridley, PhD, FCG, FIIA, CIA, on the topic of A lifetime of Management and Governance Learning: A wish for you all. The second day of the conference Keynote presentation is given by Professor Pumela Msweli, University of South Africa, on the topic of The Leadership Dance on a geopolitically entangled dance floor: Towards Unitive Consciousness. With an initial submission of 164 abstracts, after the double blind, peer review process there are 54 Academic Research papers, 11 PhD Research papers, 2 Masters Research papers and 2 work-in-progress papers published in these Conference Proceedings. These papers represent research from China, Czech Republic, Czechia, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Kenya, Macau, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, the UK and the USA.
This book presents the proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Innovation and Research—A Driving Force for Socio-Econo-Technological Development (CI3 2021). CI3 was held on September 1–3, 2021. It was organized by the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui and GDEON, in co-organization with Higher Institutes: Bolivariano de Tecnología, Central Técnico, Espíritu Santo, José Chiriboga Grijalva, ISMAC, Policía Nacional del Ecuador Vida Nueva; and sponsored by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil) and City University of New York (United States). CI3 aims to disseminate the research project results that are being carried out in different Higher Education Institutions, research centers, and the business sector.
International trade is a key dimension of the world economy, it is a critical factor in raising living standards, increasing employment, and providing a larger variety of goods to consumers around the world. Despite the strong focus that international trade research has received in theoretical terms, the empirical aspects of trade are less clear and justify further research. In this context, it is essential for studies to focus on shedding light on the most important methods used to evaluate the multiple dimensions of trade within this international context. Trade has a myriad of direct and indirect effects, therefore touching several fields of research, including economics, management, finance, international relations, political science, and sociology, which makes it essential to explore. The Handbook of Research on the Empirical Aspects of Strategic Trade Negotiations and Management provides a systematic overview of the latest trends in the empirical analysis of trade from international perspectives. It provides a survey on the methods used to evaluate a specific topic in international trade, enhance knowledge about the multiple facets of international trade around the world, and grant in-depth surveys of previous empirical findings on specific topics in international trade. Important topics covered within this book include trade diversification, regional centrality, ethical pricing, globalization, cultural impacts, and open economies. This book is a valuable reference tool for government officials, policy makers, managers, executives, economists, practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students.
This book presents innovative and high-quality research on the implementation of conceptual frameworks, strategies, techniques, methodologies, informatics platforms and models for developing advanced knowledge-based systems and their application in different fields, including Agriculture, Education, Automotive, Electrical Industry, Business Services, Food Manufacturing, Energy Services, Medicine and others. Knowledge-based technologies employ artificial intelligence methods to heuristically address problems that cannot be solved by means of formal techniques. These technologies draw on standard and novel approaches from various disciplines within Computer Science, including Knowledge Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Software Engineering, etc. As a combination of different fields of Artificial Intelligence, the area of Knowledge-Based Systems applies knowledge representation, case-based reasoning, neural networks, Semantic Web and TICs used in different domains. The book offers a valuable resource for PhD students, Master’s and undergraduate students of Information Technology (IT)-related degrees such as Computer Science, Information Systems and Electronic Engineering.
This book is a comprehensive resource for managers, engineers, researchers, academics, and professionals from various fields seeking to grasp the complexities and opportunities presented by digital transformation. It goes beyond the superficial understanding of digitalization, delving into the intricacies of this transformative process and its profound impact on organizations. By exploring the latest developments and insights from around the world, readers will gain a deep understanding of how digital transformation influences not only technological aspects but also human resources, processes, relationships, and information management. With a critical lens, this book addresses the challenges and changes that arise in the context of digital transformation, empowering readers to effectively lead and manage these processes. From examining the role of technology transfer to discussing talent management, consumer vulnerabilities, generative AIs, and the evolving landscape of e-commerce and internet use, this book provides a rich tapestry of knowledge and practical recommendations. It also highlights the significance of collaboration, virtual teams, and intelligent tools in driving digitalization. Moreover, it explores innovative management practices and techniques for addressing mobile phone waste, utilizing scientometric, bibliometric, and visual analytic tools. Ultimately, this book equips readers with the necessary insights and strategies to navigate the digital transformation successfully and harness its potential to achieve organizational excellence in an increasingly dynamic world.
La prctica del liderazgo gerencial describe al conjunto integral de principios basados sobre conocimiento cientfico incluyente abarcador comprehensivo denominado La organizacin requerida, desarrollada por el Dr. Elliott Jaques y sus colegas mediante el trabajo de investigacin en consultora durante ms de 55 aos en 15 pases. Nancy Lee trabaj con el Dr. Jaques durante ms de 20 aos. Este libro est dirigido a gerentes en todos los niveles, y se refiere al rol gerencial, que es el punto en que ms se necesita contar con guas de accin claras para lograr las metas de la organizacin. La aplicacin de estas ideas tiene por efecto el incremento de la productividad y de la rentabilidad, consolida la confianza y brinda a los empleados un ambiente de trabajo sano, que promueve el desarrollo personal. Su pensamiento fue una reformulacin monumental de las bases de la capacidad humana y de la estructura de las organizaciones, que se refleja en treinta libros. Jaques no slo plante la existencia de ocho niveles diferenciados de pensamiento conceptual entre los seres humanos, sino que tambin elabor las curvas de ese pensamiento durante la vida adulta. A su vez, este desarrollo conceptual sent las bases para una nueva lgica de la estructura organizacional, un campo que hasta entonces haba carecido de esta lgica del liderazgo y de la respondibilidad en las organizaciones. El trabajo de Jaques exige tomar el tiempo necesario para captar su dimensin innovadora. Tambin supone un cambio radical en el modo de elegir a los ejecutivos y de organizar a las empresas. Al igual que todo pensamiento innovador, su trabajo requiere la prueba de efectuar aplicaciones en la propia organizacin. Sin embargo, captar esta complejidad no es necesariamente una tarea abrumadora. En este libro Nancy Lee, ella misma una consultora organizacional consustanciada con los esfuerzos conceptuales de Jaques, ha logrado hacer su pensamiento mucho ms fcil de comprender. Por este motivo, este texto es de suma utilidad para ejecutivos, consultores y universitarios dedicados a construir organizaciones ms eficaces. Harry Levinson, Ph.D. Presidente emrito de The Levinson Institute Profesor emrito de psicologa clnica, Escuela de Medicina de Harvard