Líderes Conforme al Corazón de Dios

Líderes Conforme al Corazón de Dios

Author: Misionera Sonia Cheverez

Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

Published: 2022-05-03

Total Pages: 133

ISBN-13: 1639610022


Este libro le dará al lector la oportunidad de despertar en su interior la necesidad de conocer la responsabilidad y requisitos de un buen líder en la iglesia, ya sean pastores, líder laicos, misioneros, o líderes de los varios ministerios sirviendo la congregación sin nunca perder el enfoque “Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo”. También les sirve a miembros y otros como le deben servir sus ministros y líderes. Todo se basa en la directa palabra de Dios en la Biblia y en las experiencias de la autora y su esposo como Pastores durante 40 años de servir en varias iglesias de habla hispana de feligreses provenientes de distintos países latinos. Cada uno de los trece capítulos es un tópico donde se expone un tema de importancia para el líder y lo reta en áreas donde necesita crecimiento o corrección. Contiene asuntos y situaciones reales cuáles indican una buena representación de lo que todavía se observa hasta hoy en día en las iglesias y como se puede enfrentar estas situaciones con el fin de desarrollar el mejor ambiente y liderazgo para poder hacer la iglesia madurar a sus miembros y jóvenes, ser los mejores discípulos posibles. Este libro será de gran bendición a todo lector.


Publisher: Bib. Orton IICA / CATIE


Total Pages: 160



The Heart of Leadership

The Heart of Leadership

Author: Mark Miller

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Published: 2013-10-07

Total Pages: 137

ISBN-13: 1609949625


Are you the type of leader people want to follow? You can be—but first, you've got to understand what sets great leaders apart from all the rest. Certainly, leaders need people skills, execution skills, a deep knowledge of industry trends, the ability to articulate a vision, and more—they must be competent—but that's just the tip of the iceberg. What's below the waterline? What's deep inside the best leaders that makes them different? Mark Miller contends it is their leadership character. In his latest enlightening and entertaining business fable, he describes the five unique character traits exhibited by exceptional leaders and how to cultivate them. The Heart of Leadership begins with young and ambitious Blake Brown being passed over for a desperately wanted promotion, despite an outstanding individual performance. Confused and frustrated, he turns to his former mentor, Debbie Brewster. Rather than attempting to solve Blake's problem for him, she sends him on a quest to meet with five of his late father's colleagues, each of whom holds a piece of the puzzle he's trying to solve. As Blake puts the pieces together, he discovers that in the final analysis, a lack of skills isn't what holds most leaders back; skills are too easy to learn. Without demonstrated leadership character, however, a skill set will never be enough. Most often, when leaders fail to reach their full potential, it is an issue of the heart. This is Blake's ultimate revelation. This book shows us that leadership needn't be the purview of the few—it is within reach for millions around the world. The Heart of Leadership is a road map for every person who desires to make a difference in the lives of others and become a leader people want to follow.

How to Prepare Bible Messages

How to Prepare Bible Messages

Author: James Braga

Publisher: Multnomah

Published: 2013-05-15

Total Pages: 322

ISBN-13: 0307568695


Give Your Best Sermon Ever—Every Time Newly edited for today’s readers, this time-tested book combines recognized public speaking techniques with proven theories of preaching to equip you for the pulpit. Author James Braga provides pastors and message-givers anywhere in ministry with logical, step-by-step guidance to preparing and delivering effective sermons. Each chapter thoroughly defines and describes each critical component of a sermon, from the introduction to illustrations and the conclusion. 35th Anniversary Edition - Updated for the 21st Century! A How-To That Delivers Since 1969, How to Prepare Bible Messages has been a pastor’s most trusted source for preparing and delivering sermons that change lives. And for good reason. James Braga’s clear and logical method combines effective techniques for public speaking with time-tested theories of teaching. His instructions are so simple even a novice can follow them. From the title to the conclusion and the lessons in between, Braga leaves no question unanswered. How to Prepare Bible Messages is a recognized classic—and your key to powerfully conveying God’s Word to a hungry people! Story Behind the Book When this book was originally published in 1969, James Braga understood that in order for God’s Word to impact His sheep in a life-changing way, the messenger had to do his job exceedingly well. Now, more than thirty years later, the guidance Braga provides pastors, youth leaders, and speakers of all kinds for preparing and delivering effective Bible messages stands stronger than ever. Time-tested and true, his words provide insight, guidance, and tangible steps for answering God’s call to deliver His message with excellence.

Becoming A Leader

Becoming A Leader

Author: Dr. Myles Monroe

Publisher: Whitaker House

Published: 2008-11-21

Total Pages: 201

ISBN-13: 1603741291


Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals the secrets of dynamic leadership that will turn your leadership potential into a potent reality. Within each of us lies the potential to be an effective leader!

La Purificación del Corazón

La Purificación del Corazón

Author: Hamza Yusuf

Publisher: eBooks2go, Inc.

Published: 2014-01-10

Total Pages: 255

ISBN-13: 1618130943


La diferencia entre alguien cuyo corazón está purificado y sano y alguien cuyo corazón es impuro y corrupto: La gente impura oprime, y los de corazón puro no sólo perdonan a sus opresores sino que los elevan en carácter y posición. A fin de purificarnos, debemos empezar por reconocer esta verdad. De esto trata este libroes un libro de auto-purificación y un manual de liberación. Si trabajamos sobre nuestros corazones, si realmente ponemos en práctica lo que aquí se aconseja, empezaremos a ver cambios en nuestras vidas, en nuestro estado, nuestra sociedad, y hasta en la dinámica interna de nuestras familias. Es una bendición contar con esta ciencia de la purificación y que esta enseñanza exista hoy en el mundo. Lo único que necesitamos es tomar en serio estas enseñanzas. Examinemos pues lo que expone aquí este gran sabio y aprendamos acerca de las enfermedades del corazón, examinando su etiología (sus causas), sus señales y síntomas, y, finalmente, cómo tratarlas. Existen dos tipos de tratamiento: el tratamiento teórico, que es comprender la enfermedad en sí, y el tratamiento práctico, que se centra en las fórmulas que debemos aplicar a fin de restablecer la pureza natural del corazón. Si aplicamos las técnicas que han sido elaboradas y impartidas por los grandes sabios de la vasta tradición del Islam, veremos resultados. Pero como ocurre con las recetas médicas, el doctor no puede obligarte a tomar la medicina. Los eruditos expertos en la puri- ficación espiritual nos ofrecen tratamientos extraídos de las enseñanzas del Corán y del modelo ejemplar del Profeta (la paz sea con él). Las enseñanzas están ahí a nuestra disposición. Son claras y funcionan. Sólo queda, pues, que las aprendamos, las apliquemos a nosotros mismos, y las compartamos con otros.

The Heart of a Leader

The Heart of a Leader

Author: Ken Blanchard

Publisher: David C Cook

Published: 2010-01-01

Total Pages: 193

ISBN-13: 1434766632


Ken Blanchard, a highly respected figure in the fields of leadership and business, invites you into the world of influence through his extensive career insights in this inspirational leadership book. In The Heart of a Leader, you’ll learn about: Uncover the significance of making value-based decisions; Learn how to pursue excellence in every aspect of your life; Explore the vital role of integrity in leadership and personal growth; Embrace change as a source of growth and development; Empower those around you to achieve their full potential. Get ready to go on a journey toward effective leadership and personal growth. Bound to become a timeless classic on Christian inspirational leadership, this book offers teachings on values, excellence, integrity, change, and empowerment that will equip you with the essential tools to not only lead effectively but also inspire those around you.