"Ducted fans represent the fastest growing and most exciting facet of aeromodelling, and there is now a tremendous growth of interest amongst fliers, as well as designers and builders. Ducted Fans for Model Jets is a thorough reference book on the technology, and examines the fan unit itself, suitable engines to power the fan, special airframe designs, commercially available engines and fans, and important experimental data on fan and aircraft performance."--Back cover.
Presents a simplified method of designing ducted fans for light aircraft propulsion. Includes a survey of ducted-fan-powered aircraft, ranging from amateur-built airplanes to military models and prototypes. Detailed discussion of engines and list of suitable powerplants drawn from automobiles, ATVs and personal watercraft. Extensive technical bibliography and list of sources.
Examines new technologies that allow enthusiasts to access areas with electric models which were previosly inaccessible. Offers advice on choosing a battery, tethered and free flight, simple and advanced radio control, indoor flight, build-it-yourself kits and exact scale flying.
The primary human activities that release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere are the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) to generate electricity, the provision of energy for transportation, and as a consequence of some industrial processes. Although aviation CO2 emissions only make up approximately 2.0 to 2.5 percent of total global annual CO2 emissions, research to reduce CO2 emissions is urgent because (1) such reductions may be legislated even as commercial air travel grows, (2) because it takes new technology a long time to propagate into and through the aviation fleet, and (3) because of the ongoing impact of global CO2 emissions. Commercial Aircraft Propulsion and Energy Systems Research develops a national research agenda for reducing CO2 emissions from commercial aviation. This report focuses on propulsion and energy technologies for reducing carbon emissions from large, commercial aircraftâ€" single-aisle and twin-aisle aircraft that carry 100 or more passengersâ€"because such aircraft account for more than 90 percent of global emissions from commercial aircraft. Moreover, while smaller aircraft also emit CO2, they make only a minor contribution to global emissions, and many technologies that reduce CO2 emissions for large aircraft also apply to smaller aircraft. As commercial aviation continues to grow in terms of revenue-passenger miles and cargo ton miles, CO2 emissions are expected to increase. To reduce the contribution of aviation to climate change, it is essential to improve the effectiveness of ongoing efforts to reduce emissions and initiate research into new approaches.
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The German war machine resulted in many innovations in jet engine and gas turbine development. The most noteworthy was the Me262, the world's first operational jet fighting aircraft.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Step-by-step instructions with callouts to iPhone images that show you exactly what to do. Help when you run into iPhone problems or limitations. Tips and Notes to help you get the most from your iPhone. Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through getting and keeping your iPhone working just the way you want. The tasks include how to: • Connect to the Internet, Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi networks, and other iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads; take advantage of AirDrop to instantly share with other iOS and Mac users around you • Use Siri to get information, write texts and emails, set reminders/appointments, and more just by speaking to your iPhone • Customize your iPhone with folders, wallpaper, ringtones, and much more • Configure and sync your information, and efficiently manage contacts, and calendars • Communicate via FaceTime videoconferences, conference calls, text, email, and more • Make your text messages come alive by adding Digital Touches and effects • Make the most of Safari to browse the Web and Mail to manage all of your email from one Inbox • Listen to music, subscribe to podcasts, and use other great iPhone apps • Capture and edit photos and video; use the great camera features such as burst, timed and time-lapse photos, slow-motion video, and Live Photos via email, AirDrop, or texts; use iCloud to automatically save and share your photos • Find, download, install, and use awesome iPhone apps • Take advantage of iCloud to keep your content and information in sync on all your devices