Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Rosaline Barbour draws on her extensive teaching experience to provide a clear, user-friendly introduction to the craft of doing qualitative research. Each chapter includes examples of real-life qualitative data and a range of exercises to help students get a feel for the process of generating and analysing qualitative data. The second edition includes: New examples from a range of social science disciplines, making this the perfect book no matter what course you’re studying More on unobtrusive methods of data collection, such as documentary analysis More on internet research methods, mixed methods and visual methods A new section on using software in qualitative research A brand new companion website full of additional lecturer and student resources.
Підручник складено згідно з програмними вимогами основного курсу іноземної мови. Він містить п’ять додатків, які включають активний словник, глосарій синонімів, відповіді на тести, запитальники, а також добірку оригінальних текстів для домашнього читання. У підручнику значну частину вправ складають вправи на переклад з української на англійську мову. Підручник призначений для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, що спеціалізуються у галузі іноземної філології та міжнародних відносин, та студентів інших гуманітарних напрямків.
Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease presents a comprehensive, organ-based approach to the effective and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases. Dr. Richard L. Kradin covers the latest information on H1N1, as well as the use of immunohistochemical stains, PCR, Immunoperoxidase, and other molecular techniques for a current representation of the field. High-quality, full-color illustrations and differential diagnosis tables accompany each lesion so you can quickly identify and diagnose whatever you see. This reference is an invaluable tool for the accurate diagnosis of any infectious disease—from the common to the most challenging. Covers the latest techniques in immunohistochemistry and molecular genetics integrated throughout the text for comprehensive information on all investigative contexts relevant to ensuring diagnostic accuracy. Emphasizes the host responses critical in differential diagnosis to serve as a second opinion when non-infectious diagnoses mimic and confound the diagnosis of infection. Provides a complete visual guide to suspect lesions through superb, high-quality, full-color illustrations of key aspects of various diseases that facilitate the rapid identification of biopsy specimen. Presents contents organized by organ as opposed to pathogen to more effectively address diagnostic and management issues. Features tables that list differential diagnosis for each lesion for quick summaries of key points in problem areas. Highlights morphological characteristics and landmarks of tissue samples throughout the text for easy access to information necessary for signing out specimen. Focuses on clinicopathologic features and correlations so you can deal with the diagnostic problems you face every day.