ACCA Approved and valid for exams from 01 December 2017 up to 30 June 2018 - Becker's DipIFR Study Text has been approved and quality assured by the ACCA's examining team.
BPP Learning Media's status as official ACCA Approved Learning Provider - Content means our DipIFR Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits are reviewed by the ACCA examining team. BPP Learning Media products provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.
Valid for the December 2017 and June 2018 exams - Becker's DipIFR (Russia) Revision Question Bank includes: the most recent ACCA examinations with suggested answers, past examination questions - updated where relevant, model answers and suggested solutions and tutorial notes.
BPP Learning Media's status as official ACCA Approved Learning Provider - Content means our DipIFR Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits are reviewed by the ACCA examining team. BPP Learning Media products provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.
ACCA Approved and valid for exams from 01 December 2017 up to 30 June 2018 - Becker's DipIFR Study Text has been approved and quality assured by the ACCA's examining team.
Ukraine’s economic progress since its independence in the early 1990s has been uneven, in part due to the slow pace of reforms, unfavorable demographic factors, and low productivity. One of the key factors limiting success is the inadequacy of the skills of Ukraine’s workforce with the needs of a modern economy. While the country demonstrates a strong record of educational attainment and acquisition of foundational skills, the post-secondary education and training system fails to equip workers with the right advanced skills for labor market success. This study provides new evidence on the nature of skills valued in the labor market, reviews the institutional constraints hindering the development and use of workforce’s skills, and proposes a set of policy options. This study argues that, to improve skills formation and use, Ukraine needs to renew its public policies on post-secondary education, labor-market intermediation and information, and labor regulations. Drawing on household and firm surveys, the study finds that workers need a mix of advanced cognitive skills (like problem solving and communication), socio-emotional skills (like self-management and teamwork), and technical skills (like computer programing or sale skills) to be successful in the labor market and meet employers’ demand. These skills are not necessarily explicitly taught in traditional learning settings. Policy makers should therefore rethink the content of post-secondary education and training to focus on the development of skills for the labor market rather than only attendance. To do so, establishing steady links between education institutions and enterprises, by setting up occupation standards and adapting curricula to firm demand, is crucial. An essential instrument to identify the demand for skills and facilitate fruitful investments in skills formation is a labor market information system—which provides reliable information on labor market prospects across post-secondary education fields and institutions and job requirements and characteristics to students, their families, and jobseekers. Nonetheless, a better formation of skills would only be beneficial if most of the workforce can put them at use in jobs, promoted by better labor regulations.
The IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Certificate program (40.5 CPE Credits) will distinguish you from other accounting and finance professionals and expand your career opportunities both in the U.S. and globally. Since more than 125 countries require or permit the use of IFRS, taking this program will give you a distinct competitive advantage over your peers. As of January 1, 2018, those who successfully complete all courses in the curriculum will receive a certificate of achievement, a digital badge, a subscription to the eIFRS online subscription service and 40+ hours of CPE credit. Why is IFRS relevant in the US, and for you? U.S. multinationals are headquartered across the U.S., so you could easily find yourself with a client that has IFRS requirements, either for itself or a non-U.S. subsidiary. You might increasingly find yourself structuring deals and transactions with IFRS counterparties, including vendors and customers. Understanding the implications of structuring these transactions and reporting using IFRS will require you to have more than a passing knowledge of the differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP. As both the FASB and IASB continue their standard-setting agendas, you'll need to assess proposals and be concerned about divergence that could impact your financial reporting or audit responsibilities going forward. Courses included: Credit for individual courses purchased can be applied to the full program if purchased within one year. IFRS: Business Combinations (IFRS 3) IFRS: Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10 & IAS 27) IFRS: Earnings Per Share (IAS 33) IFRS: Fair Value Measurement (IFRS 13) IFRS: Financial Statements, Interim Reporting, and Cash Flows (IAS 1, IAS 34, and IAS 7) IFRS: Financial System Considerations in IFRS IFRS: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates IFRS: Impairment of Non-Financial Assets (IAS 36) IFRS: Income Taxes (IAS 12) IFRS: Intangible Assets (IAS 38) IFRS: Inventories (IAS 2) IFRS: Investment Property (IAS 40) IFRS: Investments in Associates and Joint Arrangements (IAS 28 and IFRS 11) IFRS: Financial Instruments (IFRS 9, IAS 39, IAS 31, and IFRS 7) IFRS: Leases (IAS 17) IFRS: Liabilities, Provisions and Contingencies (IAS 37) IFRS 5: Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations IFRS: Policies, Changes, Errors; Events After Reporting Date; Related Parties (IAS 8, 10, and 24) IFRS: Property, Plant & Equipment (IAS 16) IFRS: Revenue Recognition (IAS 18 and IAS 11) IFRS: Segment Reporting (IFRS 8) IFRS: Share-based Payments and Employee Benefits, non-pension (IFRS 2 and IAS 19) IFRS: Tax Considerations Beyond IAS 12 IFRS Governance and Conceptual Framework IFRS: The Starting Point (IFRS 1) Who Will Benefit? Accounting and finance professionals who work for private or public multinational organizations whose parent entity or subsidiaries have adopted IFRS Accountants in public practice who provide audit or assurance services to private or public multinational organizations that have adopted IFRS Learning Objectives Acquire a broad overview of key IFRS definitions and concepts. Obtain proficiency in complex IFRS areas including financial instruments and business combinations. Apply the fundamental principles of IFRS across a range of accounting topics. Understand the accounting impact of the latest standards and amendments issued by the IASB. Key Topics Fair value measurement Intangible assets Financial instruments Leases Revenue recognition Governance and conceptual framework Credit Info CPE CREDITS: Online: 40.5 (CPE credit info) NASBA FIELD OF STUDY: Accounting LEVEL: Basic PREREQUISITES: Familiarity with financial reporting and accounting principles under IFRS ADVANCE PREPARATION: None DELIVERY METHOD: QAS Self-Study COURSE ACRONYM: ICERT2IFRS1 Online Access Instructions A personal pin code is enclosed in the physical packaging that may be activated online upon receipt. Once activated, you will gain immediate online access to the product. System Requirements AICPA’s online CPE courses will operate in a variety of configurations, but only the configuration described below is supported by AICPA technicians. A stable and continuous internet connection is required. In order to record your completion of the online learning courses, please ensure you are connected to the internet at all times while taking the course. It is your responsibility to validate that CPE certificate(s) are available within your account after successfully completing the course and/or exam. Supported Operating Systems: Macintosh OS X 10.10 to present Windows 7 to present Supported Browsers: Apple Safari Google Chrome Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Required Browser Plug-ins: Adobe Flash Adobe Acrobat Reader Technical Support: Please contact [email protected].