Articles, comparison of the impact of development projects on population dynamics and rural development trends in Sudan and other African countries - discusses rural urban disparity, social implications of internal migration and deliberate rural population geographic distribution, land settlement schemes to increase self reliance among refugees and nomads, forced population removals under Apartheid, etc.; examines changing agrarian structures and labour demand in response to drought vs. Increased water supply. Bibliography, graphs.
Sudan has been adversely affected by the global crisis through a sharp decline in oil receipts. Executive Directors welcomed the Staff-Monitored Program (SMP), which aimed to reduce the fiscal deficit, tighten monetary stance, and increase exchange rate flexibility. Directors urged the authorities to maintain prudent macroeconomic policies and to accelerate fiscal and financial sectors as well as structural reforms. Directors agreed that progress on debt relief under HIPC for Sudan is essential to remove the debt overhang and regain access to concessional financing for development and social projects.