De CEO fluisteraar

De CEO fluisteraar

Author: Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries

Publisher: Uitgeverij SWP

Published: 2021-10-15

Total Pages: 285

ISBN-13: 9461540469


Op dit kritieke punt in de geschiedenis van de mensheid zullen leiders die bedreven zijn in magisch denken onze problemen niet oplossen. Het creëren van alternatieve realiteiten is niet het antwoord. We hebben een heel ander soort leiders nodig die de roep om regressie kunnen weerstaan en wiens visie stevig in de realiteit is verankerd. We hebben leiders nodig die analyseren en conclusies trekken uit, of hun eigen ervaringen gebruiken als een ontwikkelingsinstrument, hun sterke en zwakke punten onder ogen zien, en hun eigen ervaringen bekritiseren om nieuwe inzichten op te bouwen. In dit zeer persoonlijke en onderhoudende boek biedt Manfred Kets de Vries, een van de "goeroes" op het gebied van leiderschapsstudies, zijn gedachten over leiderschap en leven, reflecties geschreven voor leidinggevenden en de mensen die met hen omgaan. Als psychoanalyticus en leiderschapsprofessor, losgelaten in de wereld van gerenommeerde wereldwijde organisaties, als gepassioneerd opvoeder en geleerde, of gewoon als mens die hartverscheurende e-mails ontvangt - onderzoekt hij de valkuilen van leiderschap en de uitdagingen voor de professionals die met senior executives werken in de huidige AI-gerichte wereld. Hij wijst erop waarom leiders kunnen ontsporen en welke stappen ze kunnen nemen om dit te voorkomen. Uiteindelijk moedigt dit boek je aan om "jezelf te kennen", maar dat doet geen recht aan de uitdaging die het vertegenwoordigt. Het begrijpen van ons "innerlijk theater" zal altijd een zware strijd zijn. Kets de Vries wijst erop waarom het verdiepen in onze innerlijke wereld altijd vol met vele angsten zit. Onder de vele onderwerpen die de auteur behandelt zijn de eenzaamheid aan de top, het omgaan met teleurstellingen, de destructieve rol van hebzucht, de impact van koppigheid, de rol van verhalen vertellen, het belang van welzijn en welbevinden, en de rol van de bedrijfscultuur. Daarnaast gaat het boek in op het belangrijke onderwerp hoe je geweldige teams en de beste werkplekken kunt creëren. Ten slotte gaat het boek in op het einde van onze carrière en het groeiende besef van het onvermijdelijke einde van ons leven. Naarmate die tijd korter is, is er geen tijd te verliezen in het omgaan met onze angsten, spijt en de dingen die we een groot deel van ons leven vastbesloten hadden niet te zien Diep duiken in zelfkennis vereist moed en steun, en hij is hier om je daar doorheen te leiden.

The CEO Whisperer

The CEO Whisperer

Author: Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2020-12-15

Total Pages: 237

ISBN-13: 3030626016


At this critical junction in the history of humankind, leaders that are proficient in magical thinking aren’t going to solve our problems. Creating alternative realities is not the answer. We need a very different kind of leadership—leaders who can resist the calls of regression and whose outlook is firmly based in reality. We need leaders who analyze and draw conclusions from, or use their own experiences as a development tool, face their strengths and weaknesses, and critique their own experiences in order to build new understandings. In this very personal and entertaining book, Manfred Kets de Vries, one of the “gurus” in the field of leadership studies offers his thoughts on leadership and life, reflections written for executives and the people who deal with them. As a psychoanalyst and leadership professor let loose in the world of renowned global organizations—as a passionate educator and scholar, or just a human being at the receiving end of heart-rending emails—he examines the pitfalls of leadership and the challenges for the professionals who work with senior executives in today’s AI-focused world. He points out why leaders can derail, and what steps they can take to prevent this from happening. Ultimately, this book encourages you to “Know yourself,” but makes no bones about the challenge it represents. Understanding our “inner theatre” will always be an uphill struggle. Kets de Vries points out why deep dives into our inner world are always fraught with many anxieties. Included in the many subjects covered by the author are the loneliness of command, the management of disappointment, the destructive role of greed, the impact of stubbornness, the role of storytelling, the importance of wellness, and the role of corporate culture. In addition, the book addresses the important topic of how to create great teams and best places to work. Furthermore, the book touches on endings– the ending of our career and the growing realization of the inevitable ending of our life. As time grows short, Kets de Vries emphasizes that we have no time to lose in dealing with our anxieties, regrets, and the things we spend much of our life determined not to see. Taking a deep dive into self-knowledge requires courage and support, and he is here to guide you through it.

Leadership Unhinged

Leadership Unhinged

Author: Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-09-01

Total Pages: 156

ISBN-13: 3030793451


The recent proliferation of populist movements worldwide — along with the often dangerous, demagogic leaders that accompany them — have prompted questions about the underlying conditions that give rise to such troubling developments. Leadership Unhinged: Essays on the Ugly, the Bad and the Weird examines what is going on at a deeper level, both collectively and individually, between leaders and followers. Employing theories derived from psychoanalytic psychology, developmental psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, these essays help to unravel and expose the pathological leader-follower dynamics that generate such movements. The book is infused with Kets de Vries’s now famous and inimitable style of analysis, which draws from myths, creates fairy tales, and uses irony and metaphor to bring his conclusions into greater relief and trigger new insights. As Kets de Vries explains, effective leaders have the capacity to bring people together and even make them better, stronger. Doing so suggests that those leaders are value driven, able to set a moral tone. Yet, when such a tone is absent or, at worst, twisted toward the destructive, leadership quickly becomes dangerous. History has shown the devastation left in the wake of unhinged leaders who have gone unchecked. To become fully conscious of the conditions that allow for the emergence of such leaders has become a moral requirement of our time. In ways both moving and entertaining, Kets de Vries’s new contribution puts us in a better position to fulfil that requirement.

The Psychopathic CEO

The Psychopathic CEO

Author: Jack McCullough

Publisher: Independently Published

Published: 2021-08-29

Total Pages: 144



Approximately 15% of chief executive officers are psychopathic, and many more have psychopathic traits. The Psychopathic CEO, An Executive Survival Guide was written for executives who are in a challenging work environment and suspect that their organizations are led by such a person. This book will help you to identify a potential psychopath in the corner office and to develop a survival strategy - for yourself and the company you lead. Jack McCullough is the president and founder of the CFO Leadership Council, a professional association for financial leaders. He has held many roles throughout his career, including entrepreneur, CEO, board member, author and public speaker, in addition to serving as financial executive for 26 different companies. His previous book, Secrets of Rockstar CFOs, was published in 2019. He holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and lives in Massachusetts with his wife and two teenage sons. For this book, McCullough interviewed medical professionals, law enforcement agents, as well as investors and executives who were victims of a psychopathic leader. The Psychopathic CEO is a fascinating look at these remorseless manipulators and will help you and your company survive a psychopath in the corner office.