Un cours complet Une approche méthodologique Des exemples, des définitions et des tableaux, une carte heuristique à la fin de chaque chapitre Des QCM et de nombreux exercices d'entraînement Des sujets inédits pour se mettre en situation d'examen Les corrigés disponibles sur Internet
Strategic management control differs from traditional management control in several important respects. First, it supports both strategy formulation and strategy implementation. Second, it is to a large extent based on non-financial information. Third, it deals with both the long and short term and supports not only tactical, but also strategic and operational decision-making. Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, strategic management control is designed for, and adapted to, each organisation’s unique strategies. In this context, the book emphasises the importance of dialogues. The authors argue that it is unwise to assume that decisions taken at the top of the organisation will automatically be executed and obeyed throughout the organisation. Instead, they highlight the importance of dialogue and collaboration, both between hierarchical levels within the organisation and between actors in the network. Such communication is essential to making management control processes both strategic and successful. The book follows a clear structure, from the design of strategies to the everyday evaluation and discussion of performance and results. Though primarily intended for professionals working in strategy and management control at organisations, it will also benefit students and academics interested in strategy and management control.
Une nouvelle édition en couleur et mise à jour des dernières modifications en la matière. Chaque chapitre propose : une nouvelle rubrique "références" pour contextualiser les points étudiés ; un cours structuré qui met en évidence les concepts et les mécanismes fondamentaux du droit social ; de nombreux exemples concrets, références à la jurisprudence permettant un approfondissement des mécanismes juridiques dans une approche vivante de la matière ; des synthèses de cours ; des applications exigeant une démarche de réflexion, d’analyse du sujet, ainsi que des QCM. Pour vous entraîner à l’épreuve de l’examen : Dans le manuel : un choix d’exercices progressifs (du QCM au cas d’application pour exploiter la réglementation exposée dans le chapitre correspondant tout en exigeant l’apprentissage de savoir-faire). Sur le site : tous les corrigés des applications largement commentés (QCM, cas, commentaires d’arrêts) et des exercices complémentaires, des fiches mémos, un lexique, des mises à jour (en cours d’année) en fonction de l’actualité. LES AUTEURS Isabelle ChédaneauAgrégée d’économie et gestion, titulaire du CAPA, professeur en classes préparatoires au DCG et DSCG. Sébastien Mayoux,Maître de conférences en droit, enseigne le droit social à l’IAE de Poitiers et à la faculté de droit et de sciences sociales de Poitiers. Sous la direction d’Alain Burlaud, Professeur émérite du Conservatoire nationaldes arts et métiers. Ancien directeur général de l’INTEC.
This book focuses on the importance of entrepreneurship in sustaining the prosperity of society and uses the case studies from Taiwan, Japan as well as China, to provide an insight into Societal Entrepreneuring in Asia, and the construction of an entrepreneurial society. In order to provide a comprehensive and complete picture on entrepreneurship, the authors have also included both case studies of commercial endeavors as well as non-profit making business endeavours. These collective experiences would be invaluable to readers who are seeking to understand the role of entrepreneurship in Asian society.
How do you teach tolerance, self-awareness, and responsibility? How can you help children deal with fear, mistrust, or aggression? Play a game with them! Games are an ideal way to help children develop social and emotional skills; they are exciting, relaxing, and fun. 101 LIFE SKILLS GAMES FOR CHILDREN: LEARNING, GROWING, GETTING ALONG (Ages 6-12) is a resource that can help children understand and deal with problems that arise in daily interactions with other children and adults. These games help children develop social and emotional skills and enhance self-awareness. The games address the following issues: dependence, aggression, fear, resentment, disability, accusations, boasting, honesty, flexibility, patience, secrets, conscience, inhibitions, stereotypes, noise, lying, performance, closeness, weaknesses, self confidence, fun, reassurance, love, respect, integrating a new classmate, group conflict. Organized in three main chapters: (I-Games, You-Games and We-Games), the book is well structured and easily accessible. It specifies an objective for every game, gives step-by-step instructions, and offers questions for reflection. It provides possible variations for each game, examples, tips, and ideas for role plays. Each game contains references to appropriate follow-up games and is illustrated with charming drawings.
This important two-volume collection draws together the most significant and instructive articles relating to comparative law methodology and offers vast and comprehensive coverage of practices, principles, methods and sources in comparative legal research. The first volume deals with preliminary considerations such as the aims of research and the questions one should ask, as well as how to select objects for comparison and formulate a research plan. The second volume focuses on the comparative research of regulation, description, and explanation, along with discussion on functionalism, quantitative approaches, translation issues, legal transplants and global challenges. Together with an original introduction by the editors that frames the articles and helps the reader to navigate them successfully, this collection offers a balanced body of seminal research which will benefit legal scholars, students, and all who are undertaking, or seeking to evaluate, comparative legal research.
This book discusses the means, instruments and institutions to create incentives to promote conservation and sustainable use of traditional knowledge and plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, in the framework of the world trade order. It approaches these topics on a broad basis: it analyses in depth the option to create specific sui generis intellectual property rights of the TRIPS Agreement. It then discusses the ways to support the maintenance of information which cannot be allocated to specific authors, and examines alternative concepts within the trade of traditionally generated information and related products. This book will be of significant interest to those studying and researching biotechnology, plant breeding, genetic resources, intellectual property law and agricultural economics.
Whereas many modern works on comparative law focus on various aspects of legal doctrine the aim of this book is of a more theoretical kind - to reflect on comparative law as a scholarly discipline, in particular at its epistemology and methodology. Thus, among its contents the reader will find: a lively discussion of the kind of 'knowledge' that is, or could be, derived from comparative law; an analysis of 'legal families' which asks whether we need to distinguish different 'legal families' according to areas of law; essays which ask what is the appropriate level for research to be conducted - the technical 'surface level', a 'deep level' of ideology and legal practice, or an 'intermediate level' of other elements of legal culture, such as the socio-economic and historical background of law. One part of the book is devoted to questioning the identification and demarcation of a 'legal system' (and the clash between 'legal monism' and 'legal pluralism') and the definition of the European legal orders, sub-State legal orders, and what is left of traditional sovereign State legal systems; while a final part explores the desirability and possibility of developing a basic common legal language, with common legal principles and legal concepts and/or a legal meta-language, which would be developed and used within emerging European legal doctrine. All the papers in this collection share the common goal of seeking answers to fundamental, scientific problems of comparative research that are too often neglected in comparative scholarship.
Now in its second edition, this textbook presents a critical rethinking of the study of comparative law and legal theory in a globalising world, and proposes an alternative model. It highlights the inadequacies of current Western theoretical approaches in comparative law, international law, legal theory and jurisprudence, especially for studying Asian and African laws, arguing that they are too parochial and eurocentric to meet global challenges. Menski argues for combining modern natural law theories with positivist and socio-legal traditions, building an interactive, triangular concept of legal pluralism. Advocated as the fourth major approach to legal theory, this model is applied in analysing the historical and conceptual development of Hindu law, Muslim law, African laws and Chinese law.