This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Criminal Law by Worrall and Moore offers a fresh take on the field of criminal law. This contemporary text follows a modular format, allowing instructors the flexibility to teach the full text or pick and choose modules to suit their courses. The text covers mainstream forms of criminal activity and also includes the most recent hot-button issues, such as cyberterrorism, sexting, the “castle doctrine,” “make my day” laws, and more.
This accessible text enables criminology and criminal justice students to understand and critically evaluate criminal law in the context of criminal justice and wider social issues. The book explains criminal law comprehensively, covering both general principles and specific types of criminal offences. It examines criminal law in its social context, as well as considering how it is used by the criminal justice processes and agencies which enforce it in practice. Covering all the different theoretical approaches that the student of criminology and criminal justice will need to understand, the book provides learning tools such as: -chapter objectives - making the structure of the book easy to follow for students -questions for discussion and student exercises - helping students to think critically about the ideas and concepts in each chapter, and to undertake further independent and reflective study -′definition boxes′ explaining key concepts - helping students who are not familiar with specialist criminal law terminology to understand what the key basic concepts in criminal law really mean in practice -a companion Website which incorporates a range of resources for lecturers and students.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Truly contemporary coverage in an innovative modular format. Criminal Law and Procedure, 1/e, is a fresh, contemporary approach to criminal law and criminal procedure. The text offers an effective balance of these two subjects in a concise presentation that engages students with current issues and relatable content. Chapters are organized into self-contained modules that facilitate learning and allow instructors to customize their usage of the text. Coverage includes mainstream forms of criminal activity and procedure as well as the most recent hot-button issues such as cyberterrorism.
. . . this book fills a significant gap in the English-language literature and must be read by all who seek to understand why profound reflection is needed on the theoretical underpinnings of EU criminal justice. Samuli Miettinen, Journal of Common Market Studies The book contains a number of interesting arguments and comments on the development of EU criminal law. . . the authors efforts to provide a generalist book in this ever-growing, increasingly important and still under-researched field of EU law must be welcomed. Valsamis Mitsilegas, The Edinburgh Law Review Today, EU criminal law and justice constitutes a significant body of law potentially affecting most aspects of criminal justice. This book provides a comprehensive, accessible yet analytically challenging account of the institutional and legal developments in this field to date. It also includes full consideration of the prospective changes to EU criminal law contained in the recent Lisbon Treaty . While, broadly speaking, the authors welcome the objectives of EU criminal law, they call for a profound rethinking of how the good of criminal justice however defined is to be delivered to those living in the EU. At present, despite sometimes commendable initiatives from the institutions responsible, the actual framing and implementation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) suffers from a failure to properly consider the theoretical implications of providing the good of criminal justice at the EU level. Written shortly before the recent entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, EU Criminal Law and Justice comprises a full overview of the key legal developments and debates and includes a user-friendly guide to the institutional changes contained in the Treaty. This timely book will be of interest to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as to legal practitioners and policy makers at national and EU levels.
Concentrating upon those doctrines that make up the general part of the criminal law this collection of essays by leading American and British legal experts sheds theoretical light on key issues of contemporary relevance.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This contemporary text is part of Pearson’s groundbreaking “Justice Series,” and takes a fresh look at criminal law while maintaining a real-world focus. Criminal Law is part of the groundbreaking new series in which best-selling authors and designers have come together focused on one goal - to improve student performance across the criminal justice curriculum. This text maintains a brief format, yet offers a comprehensive introduction to criminal law. The book presupposes no legal expertise, connects criminal law cases to the real world through innovative pedagogy, carefully examines the logic behind high-profile court decisions, and encourages students, through numerous decision making exercises, to be critical thinkers by putting them in the position of the judge, jury, prosecutor or defense attorney.
This reader features contributions from the best-known names in criminology today, commenting on modern theories of criminology and how the concept of justice is met (or not met) by our criminal justice system. Based on critical theories of criminology, each author presents a compelling vision of illustrations of the theory and shows how the theoretical framework relates to the nature and structure of our criminal justice system.
This collection of original essays, by some of the best known contemporary criminal law theorists, tackles a range of issues about the criminal law's 'special part' - the part of the criminal law that defines specific offences. One of its aims is to show the importance, for theory as well as for practice, of focusing on the special part as well as on the general part which usually receives much more theoretical attention. Some of the issues covered concern the proper scope of the criminal law, for example how far should it include offences of possession, or endangerment? If it should punish only wrongful conduct, how can it justly include so-called 'mala prohibita', which are often said to involve conduct that is not wrongful prior to its legal prohibition? Other issues concern the ways in which crimes should be classified. Can we make plausible sense, for instance, of the orthodox distinction between crimes of basic and general intent? Should domestic violence be definedas a distinct offence, distinguished from other kinds of personal violence? Also examined are the ways in which specific offences should be defined, to what extent those definitions should identify distinctive types of wrongs, and the light that such definitional questions throw on the grounds and structures of criminal liability. Such issues are discussed in relation not only to such crimes as murder, rape, theft and other property offences, but also in relation to offences such as bribery, endangerment and possession that have not traditionally been subjects for in depth theoretical analysis.
For courses in Criminal Procedure Revel(tm) is Pearson''s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel replaces the textbook and gives students everything they need for the course. Informed by extensive research on how people read, think, and learn, Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience--for less than the cost of a traditional textbook. Brief. Affordable. Visual. Criminal Procedure, Third Edition, provides an affordable, thought-provoking look at criminal procedure that uses clear writing and eye-catching visuals to get your students straight to the important concepts. By focusing on these core concepts, students will gain true understanding of the material, without becoming overwhelmed with unnecessary information. The book''s conversation-starting pedagogy encourages active participation in learning, moving students beyond memorization by engaging them in the latest research findings and current events shaping the field. NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson''s products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. In addition to the access card included in this package, you will need a course invite link, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Revel. Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access code for Revel may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase. 0134721799 / 9780134721798 Criminal Procedure (Justice Series) Plus Revel -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134574303 / 9780134574301 Revel for Criminal Procedure (Justice Series) -- Access Card 0134574346 / 9780134574349 Criminal Procedure (Justice Series), Student Value Edition