Dydd Llun, 30 Mawrth, 4.35 a.m. Cysgai'r rhan fwyaf o boblogaeth y dref a'r ardal gyfagos gwsg diofal yn eu gwlau - oddeutu chwe mil ohonynt. Yng nghanol Cors Ddyga roedd gweithwyr y shifft nos ar y safle ffracio yn ddiwyd wrth eu gwaith. Yn ddirybudd, daeth ochenaid ddofn o grombil y ddaear. Nofel arobryn Gwobr Goffa Daniel Owen yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Sir Ddinbych, 2013.
Exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC/Eduqas Level: A-level Subject: Geography First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2017 (AS); Summer 2018 (A-level) Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks. Blending detailed content and case studies with questions, exemplars and guidance, this book: - Significantly improves students' knowledge and understanding of A-level content and concepts, providing more coverage of Glaciated Landscapes than your existing resources - Strengthens students' analytical and interpretative skills through questions that involve a range of geographical data sources, with guidance on how to approach each task - Demonstrates how to evaluate issues, with a dedicated section in every chapter that shows how to think geographically, consider relevant evidence and structure a balanced essay - Equips students with everything they need to excel, from additional case studies and definitions of key terminology, to suggestions for further research and fieldwork ideas for the Independent Investigation - Helps students check, apply and consolidate their learning, using end-of-chapter refresher questions and discussion points, plus tailored advice for the AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC/Eduqas specifications - Offers trusted and reliable content, written by a team of highly experienced senior examiners and reviewed by academics with unparalleled knowledge of the latest geographical theories
Mae awyren ar fin taro un o'r tyrau. Caerdydd 9/12. Mae ergyd yn chwalu un teulu yn deilchion. Mair, John a Sion. Pob un yn byw eu bywydau trwy'r sgrin - sgrin deledu a chyfrifiadur - yn hytrach nag yn y byd go iawn. Mae'n haws, on'd yw hi? Dydyn nhw ddim yn gallu anghofio'r hyn ddigwyddodd, na siarad amdano chwaith. Dyma stori gyfoes am ddigwyddiad echyll a'i effeithiau dwys ar fywyd un teulu. Nofel seicolegol ar gyfer oedolion a'r arddegau gan awdures brofiadol.
Target success in WJEC and WJEC Eduqas AS/A-level Geography with this proven formula for effective, structured revision. Key content coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge. With My Revision Notes every student can: - Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner - Consolidate subject knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage - Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular 'Now Test Yourself' tasks and answers - Enhance exam responses using relevant examples and case studies for each topic - Improve exam technique through practice questions, expert tips and examples of typical mistakes to avoid This revision guide covers the following topics: - Changing landscapes (Coastal landscapes; Glaciated landscapes) - Changing places - Global systems (Water and carbon cycles) - Global governance (Processes and patterns of global migration; Global governance of the Earth's oceans) - Contemporary themes in geography (Tectonic hazards) It also includes exam questions for 21st century challenges. This revision guide is suitable for the following specifications: - 2016 WJEC AS/A-level Geography specification regulated by Qualifications Wales - 2016 WJEC Eduqas AS/A-level Geography specification regulated by Ofqual Please note this is a Welsh language edition.
Sut fyddai Caradog Prichard yn ymdopi a cholli ei gof ar ol ymddeol? Beth ddigwyddodd i Evan Roberts ar ol i fwrlwm y Diwygiad ddod i ben? Beth allai fod wedi ysbrydoli Kate Roberts i feddwl am yr iaith Gymraeg fel ystlum mewn cerdd i'r Faner? Dyma rai o'r cwestiynau y mae dychymyg gogleisiol Mihangel Morgan yn ceisio'u hateb yn y casgliad hwn o straeon dyfeisgar.
Exam Board: WJEC Level: GCSE Subject: Geography First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 Target success in WJEC GCSE Geography with this proven formula for effective, structured revision. Key content coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge. With My Revision Notes every student can: - Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner - Enjoy an active approach to revision with clear topic coverage and related 'Now Test Yourself' tasks and practical revision activities - Improve exam technique through exam tips and formal exam-style questions - Monitor their knowledge and progress using the answers provided for each 'Now Test Yourself' activity and exam-style question - Develop geographical understanding and enhance exam responses with event/place examples Please note: This is a Welsh-language edition.
Nofel sy'n cyfleu unigrwydd dirdynnol gyda phortreadau grymus o gymeriadau sy'n gweithio mewn marchnad sydd ar fin cau. Dilynir argyfwng Mair, sy'n gwneud bywoliaeth o drin gemau a chlirio tai, nes y daw un gem i drawsnewid ei bywyd yn llwyr...A novel which examines solitary lives, and provides powerful portrayals of characters who work in a market that's about to close. The narrative focuses on Mair who makes a living out of jewellery and house clearances - that is, until she finds one jewel that transforms her life completely.
Nofel sy'n dilyn hynt a helynt Mina a'i theulu yn ystod yr ugeinfed ganrif. Cawn hanes ei mam a'r modd y collodd ei gAur yn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Cawn hefyd stori Sybil, sy'n dod yn feichiog yn dilyn perthynas gydag athro, yn ogystal a Leusa, merch i bysgotwr, sy'n cael bywyd caled ar ol cael ei cham-drin gan ei thad. Nofel gofiadwy wedi'i lleoli yn ardal Tywyn/Aberdyfi.
Casgliad o storiau byrion gan enillydd Medal Ryddiaith 2006, Fflur Dafydd. O'r Cymreig i'r Ewropeaidd, ac o'r dychanol i'r myfyriol, dyma gasgliad fydd yn swyno'r darllenydd, ond hefyd yn ei herio i lenwi ambell fwlch drosto'i hun.
Nofel arall eithriadol gan awdures Blasu... Mae Llanw yn byw mewn ty ar y traeth gyda Gorwel, ei hefell, a'u nain. Ond er bod traed y ferch ifanc freuddwydiol hon ar y tywod, mae ei phen yn y cymylau.