Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Author: Derek McNally

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 937

ISBN-13: 9400904975


The XXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union was held in Baltimore, Maryland USA from August 02 to 11, 1988. The Inaugural Ceremony on August 02 was held in the presence of representatives of the United States Governn:ent, t~e S~ate of Maryland, the City of Baltimore and the host institution -the Johns Hopkins Umverslty- as well as of the National and Local Organising Committees. The scientific programme maintained the high standards of the Union and the scientific proceedings may be found either in this volume or in volume 8 of Highlights of Astronomy. The scientific programme was organised by the 40 Commission Presidents and coordinated by the General Secretary (1985-1988), Dr. J.-P. Swings. The local arrangements were effectively made through the National Organising Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. F. Drake and the Local Organising Committee under the co-Chairmanship of Prof. A. Oavidsen and Dr. R. Giacconi. The smooth day to day operation of the meeting resulted from the incomparable dedication of Karen Weinstock and Harold Screen.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Author: Jean-Pierre Swings

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 647

ISBN-13: 9400947429


The XIXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union was held in New Delhi, India, from November 19 to 28, 1985. It was dedicated to the memory of a former IAU President, Professor M. K. V. Bappu, who tragically passed away on August 19, 1982. On the occasion of the Delhi General Assembly, the IAU Minor Planet Center announced that Minor Planet (asteroid) No. 2596 henceforth will carry the name Vainu Sappu. The full text of the announcement reads: "(2596) VAINU BAPPU = 1979 KN (diameter about 8 kilometers, period 5 years 4 months, mean distance from the Sun around 450 million kilometers) Discovered 1979, May 19, by R. M. West at the European Southern Observatory. Named in memory of Manali f

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union: Reports on Astronomy

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union: Reports on Astronomy

Author: C. de Jager

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 745

ISBN-13: 9401025878


This volume contains the fifteenth tri-annual reports of the Presidents of the forty Commissions of the International Astronomical Union; it refers to the progress in our discipline during the three years 1970, 1971 and 1972. As compared to earlier volumes a gradual change in character is unmistakable. The ever increasing flow of publications, combined with the obvious necessity to keep the Reports at a reasonable size and price level has gradually forced the Commission Presidents to be more selective than before in drafting their Reports. I have certainly stimulated them into that direction - in order that Reports like these be valuable and lasting, it seems imperative that the individual contributions have the character of a critical overall review, where a fairly complete summary is given of the major develop ments and discoveries of the past three years, and in which the broad developments and new trends be clearly outlined, while at the same time essential problems for future research are identified. With respect to the latter item I have suggested the Commission Presidents to add to their reports a brief section on scientific priorities for future research in the field of their Commissions. In order to save space I have suggested to Commission Presidents that references to published papers are given on the basis of their number in the published issues of Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts. For instance, the indication (06. 078. 019) or (AAA 06. 078.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Author: E.A. Müller

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 567

ISBN-13: 9401012571


The General Assemblies of the International Astronomical Union are landmarks in the life of the world-wide astronomical community, as they review, at triennial intervals, the progress made in this scientific field, promulgate the most spect acular astronomical achievements, formulate scientific programmes for the years to come and, last but not least, deal with the administration and finances of the IAU. The Reports on Astronomy 1976, published as Transactions XVIA (in 3 volumes) before the XVlth General Assembly, are a synopsis of the work done in astronomy from 1973 to 1975. The volume "Highlights of Astronomy , as presented at the XVlth General As sembly of the IAU in Grenoble, 1976" includes some selected scientific topics, and will appear in the first half of 1977. Apart from the Invited Discourses and the Proceedings of the seven Joint Discussions, the Highlights volume No.4 con tairsthe proceedings of two Joint Commissions Meetings.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Author: Immo Appenzeller

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 912

ISBN-13: 9400901631


IAU Transactions XXIIB summarizes the work of the XXIInd General Assembly. The discourses given during the Inaugural and Closing Ceremonies are reproduced in Chapters I and III, respectively. The proceedings of the two sessions of the General Assembly will be found in Chapter II, which includes the Resolutions and the report of the Finance Committee. The Statutes, Bye-Laws and a few working rules of the Union are published in Chapter IV. The Accounts and other aspects of the administration of the Union are recorded in Chapter V, together with the report of the Executive Committee for this last triennium, and provide the permanent record for the Union in the period 1991-1994. This volume also contains the Commission reports from The Hague compiled by the Presidents of the Commissions (Chapter VI). Finally, Chapter VII contains the list of countries adhering to the Union and the alphabetical, geographical and commission membership lists of about 8000 individual members. The IAU still appears to be unique among the scientific Unions in maintaining this category of individual membership which contributes in a crucial way to the spirit and the aims of the Union.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Author: C. de Jager

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 383

ISBN-13: 9401031053


The changing character of the IAU General Assemblies becomes most clear from a comparison of the agenda of the Brighton meeting with that of one of the earlier meetings. The fourth General Assembly (Cambridge Mass. , 1932) had about 240 participants, registered guests included, the Brighton meeting had about 2300 people attending. The Cambridge meeting lasted 5, working days, of which, however, three half days were exclusively devoted to excursions, leaving four real meeting days. At that time the nearly 30 commissions had each only one meeting, during part of a morning or afternoon; some commissions did not meet at all. There was one public lecture, by Sir Arthur Eddington, on 'The Expanding Universe'. Most of the small European countries were represented by two or three delegates only, but the delegations of France and Great Britain were composed of 20 and 18 scientists respectively; at that time there were only two delegates from Germany. After the Brighton General Assembly, with about 200 commission meetings - one commission met eleven times! - six Joint Discussions, four Invited Discourses, a Special Meeting and hardly time for excursions, there were a few complaints about too many overlapping meetings.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Author: G. Contopoulos

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 332

ISBN-13: 9401022089


The three years since the Brighton General Assembly have been the most active period in the history of the Union. 33 IAU Symposia and Colloquia, the first Regional Meeting under the Auspices of the IAU, several co-sponsored Meetings and many other special projects. All this culminating with two General Assemblies in two opposite parts of the Earth, Australia and Poland. At the same time the membership of the Union rose to 3200, the number of Commissions to 40, the number of adhering countries to 47. The present Volume gives a general picture of the Union's recent activity. It contains the report of the Executive Committee, the report of the General Assembly, including the Commissions, Meetings, a short report on the Extraordinary General Assembly and an Appendix with the Members and Commissions of the IAU and the approved names of Lunar and Martian features. I take this opportunity to thank all our collaborators, members of the Executive Committee, Presidents of Commissions, Chairmen of Specific Projects, IAU Secrt;taries and all the Members of the IA U for their contribution to keep our Union a living body of active scientists and a big inter national family. G. CoNTOPOULOS General Secretary CONTENTS Page No.