This volume investigates developments in, and management of, transportation systems, future trends and what effects these will have on society. The book studies transportation systems planning; traffic problems and the issue of conservation; the use of logistics, and the role of computers and robotics in traffic control.
This unique book explains how to think systematically about public transportation through the lens of physics models. The book includes aspects of system design, resource management, operations and control. It presents both, basic theories that reveal fundamental issues, and practical recipes that can be readily used for real-world applications. The principles conveyed in this book cover not only traditional transit modes such as subways, buses and taxis but also the newer mobility services that are being enabled by advances in telematics and robotics.Although the book is rigorous, it includes numerous exercises and a presentation style suitable for senior undergraduate or entry-level graduate students in engineering. The book can also serve as a reference for transportation professionals and researchers keen in this field.
Digital computers are now used routinely in on-line control systems. As applications become more complex and costs of developing software rise, the need for good software tools becomes vital. This volume presents 14 papers on the most recent developments within real-time programming - languages for real-time programming, software development tools and the application of real-time systems within industry.
Finding an alternative to supplement military ways of resolving international conflicts has been taken up by many people skilled in various areas such as political science, economics, social studies, modelling and simulation, artificial intelligence and expert systems, military strategy and weaponry as well as private business and industry. The Workshop will therefore be of use as it looks at various control methods which would create a conciliatory social and political environment or climate for seeking and obtaining non-military solutions to international conflicts and to solutions to national conflicts which may lead to international conflicts.
This book investigates technology's potential for stimulating and strengthening approaches that can lead to the peaceful solution of international conflicts. It discusses the causes of war; the political and social implications of neighbourhood and international involvement, and evaluates various aid programmes. Models are applied to methods of mediation and simulating power distribution and decision making to show how modern technology can be used to promote resolution in the event of conflict.
The twenty-seven papers cover recent advances in both empirical and theoretical aspects of man-machine interaction with special emphasis on the subjects of man-automation and man-computer interaction. They provide information on a subject which has grown rapidly in importance during recent years.
An analysis of power systems, control hardware, modelling and simulation, instrumentation, and computers and distributed systems. The stability of plants and their interaction in a multi-machine system is also discussed, as well as an analysis of the values of LOFT ATWS EVENT for PWR and the new algorithm of on-line ELD for thermal power plants.
Within the metal and mining industries, the use of expert systems for monitoring and control is on the increase. The content of each paper had to include both expert systems, neural networks or fuzzy control. The papers were evenly contributed from industry, universities and research institutes, thus this book provides a valuable insight into the theoretical as well as the practical applications currently in use within the industry.
Covers the major areas of operation of ground transportation systems, control strategies & algorithms, computer aspects & tools, availability & safety.