This reference for consulting engineers provides the fundamental principles and skills required to operate their own practice. It includes guidelines on: newtworking for client growth; getting free publicity; bringing in partners; extending a practice internationally; and generating maximum profit.
In essence, readers discover "step-by-step" how to start & manage an "outstanding" Engineering Practice and exactly how to gain a reputation as an expert in their specialty. This is both a handbook for new engineers and a constant reference manual for seasoned professionals. The book is divided into "five parts" Preparation; Planning; Implementation; Managing; and Cashing Out. PREPERATION includes: Selecting a collage. Make sure that it has the right accreditation to allow you take the Professional Engineering license exam. (ABET-EAC accredited) Take the EIT exam. In your senior year at college, while the fundamentals of engineering are still fresh in your mind. Gain experience. A minimum of four (4) years of "certifiable" experience in engineering work. Join engineering societies. Become an officer; make contacts; gain credentials; and build a reputation in the industry. PLANNING includes: Recognize opportunities. Buying an existing practice; starting upon another engineer's retirement; becoming a partner in an existing firm; or hanging out your shingle. Consider ownership options. Carefully consider the pros & cons of being on your own verses having partners. Choose Specialties. Choosing between being a "single-discipline" or "multi-discipline" firm. Prepare a Business Plan. Learn how to write a "Business Plan" including how to estimate expenses & income for both start-up and your first year. Apply for a Business Loan. Discover the secrets to getting a Business Loan IMPLEMENTATION includes: Pre Start-up "Check List." Once you have made the GO decision, find out the initial steps to take & things to avoid. Start-up "Check List." Discover how to actually start your practice step-by-step. MANAGING includes: Acquiring service. Learn how to select the right Attorney & CPA and obtain the insurance coverage needed. Marketing. Discover the marketing materials & methods that will keep your firm busy. Expert. Learn the secret of gaining a reputation as an "expert" by publishing technical articles. Fees. Uncover the mysteries of preparing winning & profitable fee proposals. Forensic Engineering. Find out how to make this interesting & profitable litigation specialty part of your engineering practice. CASHING OUT includes: Selling your firm. Learn how to sell your practice for the maximum profit and retire comfortably. ###"
This guide outlines the functions of the consulting engineer in serving a client, the types of services usually offered, the various methods of determining compensation for engineering services, and the general ranges of remuneration that competent consulting engineers receive for their services. A recommended procedure for interviewing and selecting a consulting engineer and guidance on contracts for engineering services are also provided. The manual is designed to serve the best interests of the client and the consulting engineer and to foster better understanding between them. The data presented for engineering charges, percentage fees, factors on payrolls, and so on, are provided as general guides to be used or not used, at the sole discretion of each user, to assist in evaluating compensation negotiated between clients and consulting engineers. The data is based on the experience of many consulting engineers as obtained in a recent national survey.
The Software Engineer's Guide to Freelance Consulting will help teach you to be an effective freelance software consultant, which will enable you make more money, dedicate more time to hobbies, spend more time with your loved-ones and even discover new businesses. Table of Contents: Chapter 1: Finding Clients We will literally map out the client acquisition skills that are paramount for you to develop and thrive in the business of software consulting. We will give you the step-by-step concrete TODOs to achieve competence and we explain some of the abstract theory. Chapter 2: Choosing a Rate How do some people charge $2/hr and others $500/hr? Where do you fit in? In this chapter we help you choose, justify and even increase your existing rate. Chapter 3: Keeping Yourself Educated How do you keep yourself from becoming outdated? How do you keep your skills in demand and the projects coming over time? We'll discuss that in this chapter. Chapter 4: Closing Deals You've got the interest but now how do you get the client to start working with you? We'll talk about closing sales as an engineer in this chapter. Chapter 5: Being Productive Productivity is a critical part of freelancing. Since most freelancers bill hourly it can make the difference between making $100,000/year and $300,000/year. This chapter contains tips to maximize your productivity as a freelancer. Chapter 6: Building & Maintaining Relationships Freelance consulting is a relationship-driven business. As engineers however, we tend to shy away from this. In this chapter we will talk about how you can build strong relationships and reduce the amount of time you need to spend selling yourself to new clients. Chapter 7: Legal Ideas Being a consultant comes with legal implications that can save your butt when things go wrong. In this chapter our very own Silicon Valley Lawyer Richard Burt will give you some tips of the trade. Chapter 8: Making Great First Impressions First impressions are a primer for excellent long-term relationships that will yield great value to you. This chapter will talk about first impressions as a freelance tech person. Chapter 9: Getting Paid Okay, so you've completed some contracts and now you're waiting to get paid. How do you get paid faster? Can you reduce your risk? We'll discuss these things in this chapter and even talk about how to deal with clients who don't pay. Chapter 10: Must-know Tax Tips As a freelance consultant, managing your tax effectively will save you a TON of money at the end of the year. In this chapter we'll run through some basic tips that will help you minimize your tax liability so you can keep more hard-earned money in your pocket. Chapter 11: Communicating Effectively Say the wrong things and you can find yourself staying up late at night on the weekend. Say the right things and you could find yourself making more money and spending more time with your family and friends. In this chapter we'll help you say less of the wrong things and more of the right things. Chapter 12: Freelancing Part-time What if you don't want to leave your current full-time job? What if you're in school full-time, or taking care of children? This chapter will help part-time freelancers. Chapter 13: Going Back to a "Regular" Coding Job In case you later decide freelancing is not for you, this chapter will help you ease back into a "regular" job without ruffling too many feathers. Chapter 14: Additional Resources Everyone who purchases the book receives an invitation to our Slack community. You'll even get a direct line to experienced freelancers (including the authors) that can help answer questions any day of the week.
This state-of-the-art review looks at liquid filtration in the chemical process and allied industries. Interpretations of the phenomenological observations of the hydrodynamics are given, and specific design and selection criteria reviewed.