Constraint-based linguistics is intersected by three fields: logic, linguistics, and computer sciences. The central theme that ties these different disciplines together is the notion of a linguistic formalism or metalanguage. This metalanguage has good mathematical properties, is designed to express descriptions of language, and has a semantics that can be implemented on a computer. Constraints, Language and Computation discusses the theory and practice of constraint-based computational linguistics. The book captures both the maturity of the field and some of its more interesting future prospects during a particulary important moment of development in this field.
This book is the first to survey current developments in computational phonology, and it does so in a way that is accessible to computational linguists, phonologists and computer scientists alike.
Constraint programming is a powerful paradigm for solving combinatorial search problems that draws on a wide range of techniques from artificial intelligence, computer science, databases, programming languages, and operations research. Constraint programming is currently applied with success to many domains, such as scheduling, planning, vehicle routing, configuration, networks, and bioinformatics.The aim of this handbook is to capture the full breadth and depth of the constraint programming field and to be encyclopedic in its scope and coverage. While there are several excellent books on constraint programming, such books necessarily focus on the main notions and techniques and cannot cover also extensions, applications, and languages. The handbook gives a reasonably complete coverage of all these lines of work, based on constraint programming, so that a reader can have a rather precise idea of the whole field and its potential. Of course each line of work is dealt with in a survey-like style, where some details may be neglected in favor of coverage. However, the extensive bibliography of each chapter will help the interested readers to find suitable sources for the missing details. Each chapter of the handbook is intended to be a self-contained survey of a topic, and is written by one or more authors who are leading researchers in the area.The intended audience of the handbook is researchers, graduate students, higher-year undergraduates and practitioners who wish to learn about the state-of-the-art in constraint programming. No prior knowledge about the field is necessary to be able to read the chapters and gather useful knowledge. Researchers from other fields should find in this handbook an effective way to learn about constraint programming and to possibly use some of the constraint programming concepts and techniques in their work, thus providing a means for a fruitful cross-fertilization among different research areas.The handbook is organized in two parts. The first part covers the basic foundations of constraint programming, including the history, the notion of constraint propagation, basic search methods, global constraints, tractability and computational complexity, and important issues in modeling a problem as a constraint problem. The second part covers constraint languages and solver, several useful extensions to the basic framework (such as interval constraints, structured domains, and distributed CSPs), and successful application areas for constraint programming.- Covers the whole field of constraint programming- Survey-style chapters- Five chapters on applications
This volume is the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, held at Rosario, Orcas Island, Washington, USA in May 1994 in cooperation with AAAI and ALP. The volume contains 27 full revised papers selected from 87 submissions as well as a summary of a panel session on commercial applications of constraint programming. The contributions cover a broad range of topics including constraint programming languages, algorithms for constraint satisfaction and entailment, and constraints and their relation to fields such as artificial intelligence, databases, operations research, problem solving, and user interfaces.
Constraints provide a declarative way of representing infinite sets of data. They are well suited for combining different logical or programming paradigms as has been known for constraint logic programming since the 1980s and more recently for functional programming. The use of constraints in automated deduction is more recent and has proved to be very successful, moving the control from the meta-level to the constraints, which are now first-class objects. This monograph-like book presents six thoroughly reviewed and revised lectures given by leading researchers at the summer school organized by the ESPRIT CCL Working Group in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, in September 1999. The book offers coherently written chapters on constraints and constraint solving, constraint solving on terms, combining constraint solving, constraints and theorem proving, functional and constraint logic programming, and building industrial applications.
This book constitutes the strictly refereed post-conference proceedings of the First International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, LACL '96, held in Nancy, France in April 1996. The volume presents 18 revised full papers carefully selected and reviewed for inclusion in the book together with four invited contributions by leading authorities and an introductory survey with a detailed bibliography. The papers cover all relevant logical aspects of computational linguistics like logical inference, grammars, logical semantics, natural language processing, formal proofs, logic programming, type theory, etc.
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics, CCL '94, held in Munich, Germany in September 1994. Besides abstracts or full papers of the 5 invited talks by senior researchers, the book contains revised versions of the 21 accepted research papers selected from a total of 52 submissions. The volume assembles high quality original papers covering major theoretical and practical issues of combining and extending programming paradigms, preferably by using constraints. The topics covered include symbolic constraints, set constraints, numerical constraints, multi-paradigm programming, combined calculi, constraints in rewriting, deduction, symbolic computations, and working systems.
Edited in collaboration with FoLLI, the Association of Logic, Language and Information, this book inaugurates the new FoLLI LNAI subline. It constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, LACL 2005, held in Bordeaux, France in April 2005. The 25 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from over 40 submissions. The papers address a wide range of logical and formal methods in computational linguistics with studies of particular grammar formalisms and their computational properties, language engineering, and traditional topics about the syntax/semantics interface.