For the first time ever, all paintings in the Department of Western Art in the Ashmolean Museum have been brought together in one volume. Every picture is illustrated and almost all are represented in colour. Biographies of all known artists in the collection are also included, making this catalogue an invaluable reference work for specialist libraries, collectors and general readers alike.
"This re-designed and fully updated and expanded edition of the National Portrait Gallery's Complete Illustrated Catalogue is a comprehensive listing of every painting, drawing, miniature, print, photograph and sculpture in the main collection." ... "The culmination of years of research, this exhaustive and authoritative catalogue includes over 10,500 entries, organised alphabetically by sitter and provides the title, date, attribution, media and acquisition details for every work. Portraits of the same subject by different artists and at different times can be compared." "An indispensable reference tool for scholars, researchers, historians and art historians, with over 8,000 illustrations, this catalogue now forms the largest printed survey of British portraiture in existence, a miniature National Portrait Gallery in itself."--Jacket.
Lynn Chadwick (1914-2003) was one of the leading British sculptors of his generation. This illustrated catalogue raisonné of his sculpture is published in a revised and expanded edition which incorporates Chadwick's complete sculptural oeuvre up to his death in 2003 and all known additions and updates to the catalogue information on his work to the end of 2005.Chadwick began his career as an architectural draughtsman, but after the Second World War he took up sculpture without any formal training. He initially concentrated on mobiles, and these were followed by rough-finished metal structures supported on thin legs. He established his international reputation in 1956, when he won the International Prize for Sculpture at the Venice Biennale. He consistently worked in welded iron and was constantly intrigued by human and animal forms: no matter how abstract the sculpture became at times, it was always firmly rooted in a deep understanding of the natural world.This indispensable reference book includes a comprehensive list of Chadwick's exhibitions, the public collections he is represented in, and a full biography, alongside the fully illustrated complete catalogue of his sculpture. The introductory essay by Dennis Farr, which draws on interviews with the artist, examines Chadwick's development as a sculptor and his sculptural techniques.
The United States Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection encompasses 7,497 botanical watercolor paintings of evolving fruit and nut varieties; alongside specimens introduced by USDA plant explorers from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Assembled between 1886 and 1942, these remarkable, botanically accurate, watercolors were executed by some 21 professional artists (including nine women). Authored largely before the widespread application of photography, the watercolors were intended to aid accurate identification and examination of fruit varietals , for the nation's fruit growers. Documenting the transformation of American pomology, the science of fruit breeding and production, and the horticultural innovations accountable for contemporary fruit cultivation and consumption, the USDA's collection offers fascinating anthropological and horticultural insights on the fruits we ecstatically devour, and why. Encompassing fruit-suffused anecdotes and observations drawn from the fields of archaeology and anthropology, horticulture and literature, ancient representation and contemporary visual art, Atelier Éditions' kaleidoscopic examination of the USDA's pomological collection, offers readers an engaging, biophillic meditation upon the sweetest of all earth's produce.
The Abradale Press (Abrams' promotional book imprint) reprint of the work originally published by Abrams in 1982--and still in BIP at $65.00. Faithfully reprints the original at a modest price. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
Rare, profusely illustrated 1864 catalog includes Union Army uniform and dress regulations, arms and ammunition, coats, insignia, flags, swords, rifles, etc. 226 illus.
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