HTR 2014 Paper - Comparison of Fission Product Release Predictions Using PARFUME with Results from the AGR-1 Safety Tests

HTR 2014 Paper - Comparison of Fission Product Release Predictions Using PARFUME with Results from the AGR-1 Safety Tests



Published: 2001

Total Pages:



Safety tests were conducted on fourteen fuel compacts from AGR-1, the first irradiation experiment of the Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) Fuel Development and Qualification program, at temperatures ranging from 1600 to 1800°C to determine fission product release at temperatures that bound reactor accident conditions. The PARFUME (PARticle FUel ModEl) code was used to predict the release of fission products silver, cesium, strontium, and krypton from fuel compacts containing tristructural isotropic (TRISO) coated particles during the safety tests, and the predicted values were compared with experimental results. Preliminary comparisons between PARFUME predictions and post-irradiation examination (PIE) results of the safety tests show an overall over-prediction of the fractional release of these fission products, which is largely attributed to an over-estimation of the diffusivities used in the modeling of fission product transport in TRISO-coated particles. Correction factors to these diffusivities were assessed for silver and cesium in order to enable a better match between the modeling predictions and the safety testing results. In the case of strontium, correction factors could not be assessed because potential release during the safety tests could not be distinguished from matrix content released during irradiation. In the case of krypton, all the coating layers are partly retentive and the available data did not allow to determine their respective retention powers, hence preventing to derive any correction factors.

Comparison of Fission Product Release Predictions Using PARFUME with Results from the AGR-1 Irradiation Experiment

Comparison of Fission Product Release Predictions Using PARFUME with Results from the AGR-1 Irradiation Experiment



Published: 2014

Total Pages:



This report documents comparisons between post-irradiation examination measurements and model predictions of silver (Ag), cesium (Cs), and strontium (Sr) release from selected tristructural isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles and compacts during the first irradiation test of the Advanced Gas Reactor program that occurred from December 2006 to November 2009 in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The modeling was performed using the particle fuel model computer code PARFUME (PARticle FUel ModEl) developed at INL. PARFUME is an advanced gas-cooled reactor fuel performance modeling and analysis code (Miller 2009). It has been developed as an integrated mechanistic code that evaluates the thermal, mechanical, and physico-chemical behavior of fuel particles during irradiation to determine the failure probability of a population of fuel particles given the particle-to-particle statistical variations in physical dimensions and material properties that arise from the fuel fabrication process, accounting for all viable mechanisms that can lead to particle failure. The code also determines the diffusion of fission products from the fuel through the particle coating layers, and through the fuel matrix to the coolant boundary. The subsequent release of fission products is calculated at the compact level (release of fission products from the compact) but it can be assessed at the particle level by adjusting the diffusivity in the fuel matrix to very high values. Furthermore, the diffusivity of each layer can be individually set to a high value (typically 10-6 m2/s) to simulate a failed layer with no capability of fission product retention. In this study, the comparison to PIE focused on fission product release and because of the lack of failure in the irradiation, the probability of particle failure was not calculated. During the AGR-1 irradiation campaign, the fuel kernel produced and released fission products, which migrated through the successive layers of the TRISO-coated particle and potentially through the compact matrix. The release of these fission products was measured in PIE and modeled with PARFUME.

HTR-2014 Paper Comparison of Fission Product Release Predictions Using PARFUME with Results from the AGR-1 Irradiation Experiment

HTR-2014 Paper Comparison of Fission Product Release Predictions Using PARFUME with Results from the AGR-1 Irradiation Experiment



Published: 2001

Total Pages:



The PARFUME (PARticle FUel ModEl) code was used to predict fission product release from tristructural isotropic (TRISO) coated fuel particles and compacts during the first irradiation experiment (AGR-1) of the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification program. The PARFUME model for the AGR-1 experiment used the fuel compact volume average temperature for each of the 620 days of irradiation to calculate the release of fission products silver, cesium, and strontium from a representative particle for a select number of AGR-1 compacts. Post-irradiation examination (PIE) measurements provided data on release of fission products from fuel compacts and fuel particles, and retention of fission products in the compacts outside of the SiC layer. PARFUME-predicted fractional release of these fission products was determined and compared to the PIE measurements. Results show an overall over-prediction of the fractional release of cesium by PARFUME. For particles with failed silicon carbide (SiC) layers, the over-prediction is by a factor of about two, corresponding to an over-estimation of the diffusivity in uranium oxycarbide (UCO) by a factor of about 100. For intact particles, whose release is much lower, the over-prediction is by an average of about an order of magnitude, which could additionally be attributed to an over-estimated diffusivity in SiC by about 30%. The release of strontium from intact particles is also over-estimated by PARFUME, which also points towards an over-estimated diffusivity of strontium in either SiC or UCO, or possibly both. The measured strontium fractional release from intact particles varied considerably from compact to compact, making it difficult to assess the effective over-estimation of the diffusivities. Furthermore, the release of strontium from particles with failed SiC is difficult to observe experimentally due to the release from intact particles, preventing any conclusions to be made on the accuracy or validity of the PARFUME predictions and the modeled diffusivity of strontium in UCO. In the case of silver, the comparisons between PARFUME and PIE are better than for cesium and strontium. They show a trend of over-prediction at low burnup and under-prediction at high burnup. PARFUME has limitations in the modeling of the temporal and spatial distributions of the temperature and burnup across the compacts, which affects the accuracy of its predictions. Nevertheless, the comparisons lie in the same order of magnitude.

Kinetics of Fission Product Release Prior to Fuel Slumping

Kinetics of Fission Product Release Prior to Fuel Slumping



Published: 1987

Total Pages:



This paper describes the primary physical/chemical models recently incorporated into a mechanistic code (FASTGRASS) for the estimation of fission product release from fuel, and compares predicted results with test data. The theory of noble gas behavior is discussed in relation to its effect on the release behavior of I, Cs, Te, Ba, and Sr. The behavior of these fission products in the presence of fuel liquefaction/dissolution and oxidation grain-growth phenomena is presented, as is the chemistry of Sr, Ba, I, and Cs. Comparison of code predictions with data indicates the following trends. Fission product release behavior from solid strongly depends on fuel microstructure, irradiation history, time at temperature, and internal fuel rod chemistry. Fuel liquefaction/dissolution, fracturing, and oxidation also exert a pronounced effect on release during fuel rod degradation. For very low burnup fuel appreciable fission product retention in previously liquefied fuel can occur due to the low concentration of fission products, and the limited growth of bubbles in the liquefied material. 24 refs., 13 figs., 9 tabs.