This is a practical introduction to bilingualism answering the questions most frequently asked by parents and teachers on raising and educating bilingual children. Both authors draw on their academic expertise and ample field experience to provide straightforward answers, which contemplate multiple types of bilingual families and diverse societal conditions.
This extensive Spanish language reference explains the logic behind more than 3,000 frequently used verb phrases and combinations that make Spanish speech sound native. Each entry includes a definition of the phrase including its register, synonyms, antonyms, complementary expressions, grammatical patterns, and examples of how the combinations are used in easy and difficult structures. Most entries also point out other factors to be taken into account, such as whether an expression is to be used in isolation, after explaining a cause, or if it shouldn't be used at the beginning of a sentence. The book presents generative patterns for combinations based on conceptual metaphors and grammar structures, details families of expressions as separate charts, and contains an index by complement. Featuring a wide range of varieties of Spanish, this volume includes both peninsular and New World Spanish and draws on both written and spoken corpora. Based on sound research in cognitive linguistics and written entirely in Spanish, this valuable reference will be useful to advanced students of Spanish, teachers of Spanish, translators, and writers. Sample Entry ABUNDARAbundar en detalles: Ofrecer mucha información. Esta expresión se utiliza en contextos neutros o formales. En forma negativa (no abundar en detalles) se usa para expresar de manera irónica que alguien no quiere ofrecer tanta información como necesitamos. S: El informe sobre el golpe de estado V: abunda CR: en detalles sobre la intervención de la CIA El estudio abunda en detalles estadísticos sobre la inmigración, pero no explica ni sus causas ni sus consecuencias. La testigo reconoció que era amante del acusado, pero no abundó en detalles sobre su relación. Contraste:Informal: Paquita llegó a casa borracha y con un ojo morado. Explicó a su marido que se había caído y nada más.Formal: La víctima llegó a su casa intoxicada y con señales de abuso físico. Explicó, sin abundar en detalles, que eran resultado de una caída. Expresiones relacionadas:1. Entrar en detalles (frecuentemente no entrar en detalles): Discutir un tema en profundidad. ‘No entrar’ significa quedarse fuera, por lo tanto, no entrar en detalles significa no explicar ningún detalle, mientras que no abundar en detalles significa hablar poco sobre un tema. El estudio abunda en detalles estadísticos sobre la inmigración, pero no explica ni sus causas ni sus consecuencias. *El estudio entra en detalles estadísticos sobre la inmigración, pero no explica ni sus causas ni sus consecuencias. Hasta ahora hemos tratado el tema de la absorción de este mineral de manera superficial. Ahora entraremos en detalles. *Hasta ahora hemos tratado el tema de la absorción de este mineral de manera superficial. Ahora abundaremos en detalles.
Writing is not just for adults. Op-ed pieces are a great way for kids to express their opinions about issues important to them, while also building crucial writing skills. Tip sidebars and detailed, step-by-step instructions help students develop concrete goals to go from caring about a cause to writing persuasively about it. Written in standard Latin American Spanish.
The Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica provides comprehensive coverage of the major and subsidiary fields of Spanish linguistics. Entries are extensively cross-referenced and arranged alphabetically within three main sections: Part 1 covers linguistic disciplines, approaches and methodologies. Part 2 brings together the grammar of Spanish, including subsections on phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Part 3 brings together the historical, social and geographical factors in the evolution of Spanish. Drawing on the expertise of a wide range of contributors from across the Spanish-speaking world the Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica is an indispensable reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Spanish, and for anyone with an academic or professional interest in the Spanish language/Spanish linguistics.
The text provides a broad explanation of the physiology for plants (their functions) from seed germination to vegetative growth, maturation, and flowering. It presents principles and results of previous and ongoing research throughout the world.
«Fuimos hijos de la última generación que aceptó órdenes y hoy, somos los primeros padres que no las podemos dar.» Con humor y melancolía, el autor lo invita a divertirse, emocionarse y pensar sobre el universo que lo rodea.