Este libro es un verdadero recurso para cualquier persona interesada por restaurar a nuestra generación actual desde una perspectiva cristiana. El mensaje está diseñado para llevar al lector a identificar aspectos importantes en la restauración personal a su vez, destaca la importancia de dejar un legado y un ejemplo a seguir a las generaciones siguientes. Destaca nuestra responsabilidad como padres, o simplemente como seres humanos de impactar positivamente a nuestro entorno y motiva al lector a ser parte de importantes cambios en nuestra sociedad.
This book identifies five problem areas in parenting that, if left unchecked, will produce problems in adolescence. They are: a) Isolation b) Unrestrainedness c) no boundaries d) poor parental accessibility e) shame The antidote for all five are connection, self-control, good boundaries, accessibility to the parents, and the parents’ ability to mitigate shame in their children’s lives. One of the primary differences between families who enjoy each other and families who do not enjoy each other is the way they approach conflict. Reactive families do not possess the skills to resolve conflict, while responsive families do. All around us are adolescents who are isolated, with little self-control over their emotions. They easily get into trouble because of poor parental boundaries and subsequently experience shame. They do not have accessibility to their parents and do not know how to resolve their conflicts and confusion. Young parents can avoid these deadly pitfalls beginning at the toddler stage by parenting in a responsive way. They will raise children who know how to interact with others, control their emotions, respect and accept good boundaries, enjoy accessibility with their parents, and know how to mitigate shame when it occurs in their lives. The reactive family is literally going in circles. Their cyclical, reactive patterns include inattentiveness, misunderstanding, put downs, rejection, shame, and isolation. They can be disconnected, angry, and resentful. They are on an emotional merry-go-round and do not know how to get off. On the other hand, the responsive family has learned how to stop the cycle. They have employed listening, understanding, and clarification. When they apologize--it means something. When they forgive, they do not bring it up again. Instead of being rigid, they have learned to be flexible. They are connected and forgiving. As a result, they are emotionally strong and respectful of each other. They enjoy spontaneous moments in a mutually satisfying way. This book helps the reader identify deadly patterns that are draining the life out of their relationships and presents change as a real possibility. With the use of metaphors and word pictures, the reader can see both kinds of families, but also learn how to introduce change into their family--the kind of change that is not easy but is transformative. Parenting is a daunting task, especially if you’re young and inexperienced. Today many parents find themselves disconnected from their children and overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness. There are two basic approaches to parenting that can be used--reactive parenting and responsive parenting. Reactive parenting, so prevalent in today’s society, is done in reaction to something, whether a whining child or a parent’s own anxiety. It is impulsive and produces poor results. As more and more young people reach adulthood without an adequate model of self-regulation and conflict resolution, the more visible this problem becomes. On the other hand, Responsive Parenting, as described in Boyd’s book, is a principled approach to parenting. It emphasizes the importance of preparing children for adulthood. Responsive parenting is thoughtful and is in response to the child’s best interests. It takes the long view. It listens and clarifies. It apologizes and forgives. It is flexible and extends freedom with responsibility. It is accepting and affirming while being connected and supportive. Boyd Brooks shows readers through easy to understand biblical principles how to build self-esteem and confidence in their children and help them discover who they were meant to be.
Born in a remote village in the Himalayan Mountains of Northern India, Bhole is adopted by a great saint and raised in a cave monastery. He wants to become a yogi, but before this can happen he needs to remove many obstacles and overcome many difficulties.
'Atreve-te a ser feliz' aborda uma história de vida com factos verídicos, partilhada com o objectivo de o levar numa viagem à descoberta de si mesmo e do caminho para a verdadeira felicidade.
The #1 child discipline book, now available in Spanish! "¡Las ideas de este libro funcionan! Realmente es como magia, siento que recuperé el mando." La segunda edición del exitoso 1-2-3 Magia que ha vendido 1.8 millones de copias internacionalmente en más de 20 idiomas por el aclamado experto Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. ha compilado dos décadas de estudio y experiencia en un fácil de usar programa diseñado para padres haciendo esfuerzo para conectar con sus hijos mas profundamente para ayudarlos a crecer y desarrollarse en niños, adolescentes y adultos saludables y capaces. Dr. Phelan explica la complicada tarea de crianza en tres pasos sencillos: Ayudando a sus niños a aprender como controlar sus emociones y abstener del mal comportamiento, incluyendo: cómo manejar la rivalidad entre hermanos, berrinches, pucheros y mentiras. Fomentando el buen comportamiento y proveyendo observaciones positivas. Fortaleciendo la relación con tus hijos para resforzar el vínclulo natural entre padres-hijos. Usted encontrara instrumentos que podrá usar en cualquier situación, además, aprenderá de experiencias reales de otros padres que han navegado retos comunes de crianza como reluctancia para hacer tareas, faltas de respeto, problemas a la hora de dormir o quedándose dormidos a través de la noche. Por años, millones de padres alrededor del mundo han usado el premiado programa 1-2-3 Magia para ayudar a que sus hijos desarrollen inteligencia emocional, criar familias más saludables y felices, y devolverle la alegría a la familia.
Designed for students from a wide range of backgrounds, this text takes a chronological and interdisciplinary approach to human development. With its focus on context and culture, the 8/E illustrates that the status of human development is inextricably embedded in a study of complex and changing cultures.
Si está abrumado por el grado de responsabilidad que conlleva levantar una familia, porque no sabe cómo manejar el problema con sus hijos, si considera que el abuso a menores es intolerable, si está preocupado porque la tecnología está siendo mal usada en muchos hogares y perjudicando su desarrollo normal, si la condición de vida que le espera a la futura generación no son las mejores, usted debe leer este libro. Deseo compartir estas enseñanzas con carácter urgente para cambiar el destino de nuestros niños. Nuestros hijos se merecen lo mejor y solo podemos proporcionarlos, empezando ahora a equiparlos con las mejores herramientas para cuando les toque asumir sus funciones, ellos estén nutridos de valores, desempeñando el papel de padres, hermanos, líderes y ciudadanos honorables de cada nación. Desarrollando mentes positivas desde la infancia, podemos llegar a tener una sociedad diferente, donde nuestros niños puedan jugar libremente en las calles, nuestros jóvenes puedan disponer de programas accesibles para desarrollar sus habilidades, y los adultos gozar de salarios dignos, porque la corrupción ha desaparecido. Tenemos que actuar HOY para tener resultados MAÑANA. Aquí, revelo toda la información que usted necesita y ser el primero en unirse para formar una nueva generación de futuros ciudadanos con líderes de éxito. Si hoy nos preocupamos por ellos y ponemos todo nuestro empeño en su formación, no tendremos entonces que preocuparnos por el día de mañana porque hemos aportado lo mejor de nosotros.