The goal of CIDA's policy on women in development and gender equity is the full participation of women as equal partners in the sustainable development of their societies. This document examines the policy and looks at the rationale for CIDA's policy, the policy framework, actions to increase women's participation, mechanisms and strategies, and gender analysis guidelines.
This book explores the issue of gender inequality through the lens of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly the first one of halving world poverty by 2015.
Articles discuss how gender mainstreaming has been understood in different organisations; provide examples of good work, which supports the empowerment of women; and look beyond gender mainstreaming to what new possibilities exist for transformation.
Recognizing that gender is an important social division marked by inequality, the Canadian International Development Agency's gender equality policy was revised in 1995 to emphasize the importance of gender equity and women's empowerment. This policy update builds on concepts long supported by the Agency and highlights a number of areas where Agency thinking has evolved. It includes a vision of gender equality for the 21st century, a rationale for the agency's gender equality policy, an outline of the goal and objectives of the policy, and description of the principles on which the policy is based. A table outlines the links between the Agency's policy of poverty reduction, its program priorities, and gender equality. Other sections of the update describe gender analysis as a tool in understanding and promoting gender equality, strategies and activities to support the achievement of gender equality, performance assessment of policy objectives, and practices to promote gender equality.
Ensuring women's economic empowerment and access to and control over resources requires an integrated approach to growth and development, focused on gender-responsive employment promotion and informed by the interdependency between economic and social development. Social objectives need to be incorporated into economic policies. Economic growth strategies should give attention to the real economy and focus on creating a gender-sensitive macroeconomic environment, full employment and decent work, access to land, property and other productive resources as well as financial services, and full coverage of social protection measures. The Survey outlines a number of concrete recommendations in these critical areas, which if adopted, will facilitate women's equitable access to and control over economic and financial resources.
Gender planning is not an end in itself but a means by which women, through a process of empowerment, can emancipate themselves. Ultimately, its success depends on the capacity of women's organizations to confront subordination and create successful alliances which will provide constructive support in negotiating women's needs at the level of household, civil society, the state and the global system. Gender Planning and Development provides an introduction to an issue of primary importance and constant debate. It will be essential reading for academics, practitioners, undergraduates and trainees in anthropology, development studies, women's studies and social policy.
This book contributes to a “rethinking” Canadian aid at four different levels. First, it undertakes a collective rethinking of the foundations of Canadian aid, including both its normative underpinnings – an altruistic desire to reduce poverty and inequality and achieve greater social justice, a means to achieve commercial or strategic self-interest, or a projection of Canadian values and prestige onto the world stage – and aid’s past record. Second, it analyzes how the Canadian government government is itself rethinking Canadian aid, including greater focus on the Americas and specific themes (such as mothers, children and youth, and fragile states) and countries, increased involvement of the private sector (particularly Canadian mining companies), and greater emphasis on self-interest. Third, it rethinks where Canadian aid is or should be heading, including recommendations for improved development assistance. Fourth, it highlights how serious rethinking is required on aid itself: the concept, its relation to non-aid policies that affect development in the Global South, and the rise of new providers of development assistance, especially “emerging economies”. Each of these novel challenges holds important implications for Canada, for its development policies and for its declining influence in the morphing global aid regime.
This is a single-volume guide to all the main analytical frameworks for gender-sensitive research and planning. It draws on the experience of trainers and practitioners, and includes step-by-step instructions for using the frameworks.
Extrait de l'introduction : "This report presents the main findings of a recently cempleted desk study under-taken for thw Social Development Family of the World Bank's Environemtally and Socially Sustainable Development (ESSD) Network. The primary objectives of the review are to : (a) identify the current rationale, language, and underlying policy approach to Gender and Development (GAD) adopted by the World Bank ; (b) evaluate the extent to which these are shared across the institutions ; and (c) make reommandations concerning future steps toward mainstreaming gender in the World Bank. Although the origins of the review relate to needs specifically identified by ESSD, the issues raised go beyong social development, and are relevant to all Bank staff concerned with mainstreaming gender and development into World Banl lending and nonlending operations at the policy, program, and project level."