Why Arc hydro? / David Maidment / - Arc Hydro framwork / David Maidment, Scott Morehouse / - Hydro networks / Francisco Olivera, David Maidment / - Drainage systems / Francisco Olivera, Jordan Furnans / River channels / Nawajish Noma, James Nelson / Hydrography / Kim Davis, Jordan Furnans / - Time series / Damid Maidment, Venkatesh Merwade / - Hydrologic modeling / Steve Grise, David Arctur.
State-of-the-art GIS spatial data management and analysis tools are revolutionizing the field of water resource engineering. Familiarity with these technologies is now a prerequisite for success in engineers' and planners' efforts to create a reliable infrastructure.GIS in Water Resource Engineering presents a review of the concepts and application
"Building accurate geodatabases is the foundation for meaningful and reliable GIS. By documenting actual case studies of successful ArcGIS implementations, Designing Geodatabases makes it easier to envision your own database plan."--Jacket.
This book is a must for the marine community - including oceanographers, resource managers, geographers, nautical archaeologists, climate change specialists, and other students of the deep - coming at a time when the health of our oceans is seen as crucial to our very existence. As a teaching tool, Arc Marine: GIS for a Blue Planet serves as a perfect starting point for the intermediate student or as a resource for the expert in marine GIS. Marine researchers have developed a data model that supports seafloor mapping, fisheries management, marine mammal tracking, monitoring of shoreline change, and water temperature analysis. The ability to measure change in oceans and along coasts has increased as marine GIS has grown more complex. Arc Marine: GIS for a Blue Planet presents the initial results of a successful effort to create and define a data model for the marine community - that group of academic, government, military, and private oceanographers, resource managers, conservationists, geographers, nautical archaeologists, and others who support better management of complex spatial analysis in marine applications. The data model not only provides structure to storing and analyzing marine data but helps users create maps and three-dimensional scenes of the marine environment in ways invaluable to decision making as the marine community strives to understand, illuminate, chart, and explore the unknown depths.
The vulnerability of water resources due to climate change and human activities is globally increasing. The phenomenon of hydrological change is complicated because of the combinations and interactions between natural climate fluctuation, global warming and human activities including changes in land utilization. The impact areas of hydrological changes are also not only within the basin, but reach to the ocean through coastal water exchanges. This book presents contributions focused on integrated water management from headwater to the ocean in a time of climate change and increasing population.
Modern hydrology is more interdisciplinary than ever. Staggering amounts and varieties of information pour in from GIS and remote sensing systems every day, and this information must be collected, interpreted, and shared efficiently. Hydroinformatics: Data Integrative Approaches in Computation, Analysis, and Modeling introduces the tools, approache
Advances in Agriculture Research and Application / 2012 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Agriculture. The editors have built Advances in Agriculture Research and Application / 2012 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Agriculture in this eBook to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Advances in Agriculture Research and Application / 2012 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at http://www.ScholarlyEditions.com/.
Environmental change is increasingly considered a critical topic for researchers across multiple disciplines, as well as policy makers throughout the world. Mounting evidence shows that environments in every part of the globe are undergoing tremendous human-induced change. Population growth, urbanization and the expansion of the global economy are putting increasing pressure on ecosystems around the planet. To understand the causes and consequences of environmental change, the contributors to this book employ spatial and non-spatial data, diverse theoretical perspectives and cutting edge research tools such as GIS, remote sensing and other relevant technologies. International Perspectives on Global Environmental Change brings together research from around the world to explore the complexities of contemporary, and historical environmental change. As an InTech open source publication current and cutting edge research methodologies and research results are quickly published for the academic policy-making communities. Dimensions of environmental change explored in this volume include: Climate change Historical environmental change Biological responses to environmental change Land use and land cover change Policy and management for environmental change
Modern hydrology is more interdisciplinary than ever. Staggering amounts and varieties of information pour in from GIS and remote sensing systems every day, and this information must be collected, interpreted, and shared efficiently. Hydroinformatics: Data Integrative Approaches in Computation, Analysis, and Modeling introduces the tools, approache
One CD-ROM contains a fully functional copy of ArcView 8 software with a trial period of 180 days, the other contains exercise data. Both CD-ROMs must be installed to do the exercises in the book.