315 renderings of Doric and Ionic styles of dress for women, gracefully arranged Roman togas, vestments of the Eastern Orthodox Church, hairdressing, jewelry, and other decorative elements. Includes instructions and flat patterns.
Carefully copied from ancient vases and statuary, these early-19th-century classic line renderings combine unusual clarity of style with unquestioned authenticity. Over 700 illustrations depict all classes and occupations.
Clothing styles from all classes during the Byzantine Empire are depicted here in more than 80 drawings. Included are examples of royal wedding garb, a shepherd in a short tunic, a court dancer, a court dignitary, a merchant, a naval officer, body armor of Roman warriors, a priest, and the robes of the Emperor Constantine. Captions accompany the illustrations.
Thirteen scholarly and well-illustrated essays survey, document and elucidate over a thousand years of Roman garments and accessories, including Etruscan influences, Near Eastern fashions and the transition towards early Christian garb.
Costume production distinguishes early civilization from the Paleolithic era as much as architectural production. Costume transcends boundaries, as it first unites and then divides mankind. The mode of dress differentiates friend from foe and peasant from prince. Changes in the appearance and types of garments through the ages are a significant indicator of social, economic and chronological changes. This annotated bibliography of 603 references, taken from monographs, dissertations, festschrifts, periodicals, encyclopedias and handbooks, is the most comprehensive research tool for the subject of ancient Greek costume. This subject is of increasing interest to scholars in many fields, including archaeology and anthropology, art and art history, classics, drama, history, ancient literature, even modern literature. The references in this bibliography range from the encyclopedia entry to the monograph, and show a variety of themes: women's dress, men's dress, foreign dress, accessories, jewelry, headdresses, theater dress, textile production and literary evidence.
An extensive and fascinating collection of stories featuring both famous and everyday women, giving a well-rounded view of the lives of women in the ancient world. When did women first become rulers, athletes, soldiers, heroines, and villains? They always were, observes historian Judith Salisbury. From Mesopotamian priestesses and poets to Egyptian queens and consorts, "there was never a time when women did not participate in all aspects of society." Salisbury tells the stories of 150 women from the ancient world, ranging from the very famous, such as Cleopatra VII, immortalized by Hollywood, to the barely remembered, such as the Roman poet Nossis. Writing for a general audience, Salisbury begins by painting each woman into her historical context, then recounts each woman's story, describing the choices she made as she looked for happiness, wealth, power, or well-being for herself and her family—stories much like our own. In entries on general themes—clothing, cosmetics, work, sexuality, prostitution, gynecology—Salisbury analyzes the commonalties in the lives of these women of antiquity from a cross-cultural perspective.