This textbook covers the next level in administration after the Diploma in Administration and Secretarial Procedures. It provides the underpinning knowledge for the higher diploma in Administrative Procedures qualification offered by RSA with up-to-date information in this area.
The field of professional, academic and vocational qualifications is ever-changing. The new edition of this highly successful and practical guide provides thorough information on all developments. Fully indexed, it includes details on all university awards and over 200 career fields, their professional and accrediting bodies, levels of membership and qualifications. It acts as an one-stop guide for careers advisors, students and parents, and will also enable human resource managers to verify the qualifications of potential employees.
Over the last decade as the importance of vocational qualifications has been firmly established, the system has become increasingly complex and hard to grasp. Now in its sixth edition, this popular and accessible reference book provides up-to-date information on over 3500 vocational qualifications in the UK. Divided into five parts, the first clarifies the role of the accrediting and major awarding bodies and explains the main types of vocational qualifications available. A directory then lists over 3500 vocational qualifications, classified by professional and career area, giving details of type of qualification, title, level, awarding body and, where possible, the course code and content. The third section comprises a glossary of acronyms used, together with a comprehensive list of awarding bodies, industry lead bodies, professional institutes and associations, with their contact details. Section four is a directory of colleges offering vocational qualifications in the UK, arranged alphabetically by area. Finally, section five is an index of all qualifications, listed alphabetically by title.
In a single volume, the new edition of this guide gives comprehensive coverage of the developments within the fast-changing field of professional, academic and vocational qualifications. career fields, their professional and accrediting bodies, levels of membership and qualifications, and is a one-stop guide for careers advisors, students and parents. It should also enable human resource managers to verify the qualifications of potential employees.
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