This book is for users who want to unleash the full power of AutoCAD through the AutoLISP programming language. In nontechnical terms, the reader is shown how to store point locations, create new commands, and manipulate coordinates and text.
* Treats LISP as a language for commercial applications, not a language for academic AI concerns. This could be considered to be a secondary text for the Lisp course that most schools teach . This would appeal to students who sat through a LISP course in college without quite getting it – so a "nostalgia" approach, as in "wow-lisp can be practical..." * Discusses the Lisp programming model and environment. Contains an introduction to the language and gives a thorough overview of all of Common Lisp’s main features. * Designed for experienced programmers no matter what languages they may be coming from and written for a modern audience—programmers who are familiar with languages like Java, Python, and Perl. * Includes several examples of working code that actually does something useful like Web programming and database access.
Suitable for newcomers who have no previous experience with computers or computer-aided drafting. The book contains hands-on lessons which show how to create and work with realistic technical drawings, use printers and plotters and master the essentials of working in 3-D and more.
The best tutorial for AutoCAD beginners. These meticulous, step-by-step lessons will have even first-time computer users creating a first drawing in record time. Learn protype, drawing, lettering, dimensioning, isometric views, 3-D drawing, plotting, and more.
The defacto standard - a must-have for all LISP programmers. In this greatly expanded edition of the defacto standard, you'll learn about the nearly 200 changes already made since original publication - and find out about gray areas likely to be revised later. Written by the Vice- Chairman of X3J13 (the ANSI committee responsible for the standardization of Common Lisp) and co-developer of the language itself, the new edition contains the entire text of the first edition plus six completely new chapters. They cover: - CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System, with new features to support function overloading and object-oriented programming, plus complete technical specifications * Loops, a powerful control structure for multiple variables * Conditions, a generalization of the error signaling mechanism * Series and generators * Plus other subjects not part of the ANSI standards but of interest to professional programmers. Throughout, you'll find fresh examples, additional clarifications, warnings, and tips - all presented with the author's customary vigor and wit.
This document is designed to be a resource for those Linux users wishing to seek clarification on Linux/UNIX/POSIX related terms and jargon. At approximately 24000 definitions and two thousand pages it is one of the largest Linux related dictionaries currently available. Due to the rapid rate at which new terms are being created it has been decided that this will be an active project. We welcome input into the content of this document. At this moment in time half yearly updates are being envisaged. Please note that if you wish to find a 'Computer Dictionary' then see the 'Computer Dictionary Project' at Searchable databases exist at locations such as: (SWP) Sun Wah-PearL Linux Training and Development Centre is a centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, established in 2000. Presently SWP is delivering professional grade Linux and related Open Source Software (OSS) technology training and consultant service in Hong Kong. SWP has an ambitious aim to promote the use of Linux and related Open Source Software (OSS) and Standards. The vendor independent positioning of SWP has been very well perceived by the market. Throughout the last couple of years, SWP becomes the Top Leading OSS training and service provider in Hong Kong. Geona, operated by Gold Vision Communications, is a new powerful search engine and internet directory, delivering quick and relevant results on almost any topic or subject you can imagine. The term "Geona" is an Italian and Hebrew name, meaning wisdom, exaltation, pride or majesty. We use our own database of spidered web sites and the Open Directory database, the same database which powers the core directory services for the Web's largest and most popular search engines and portals. Geona is spidering all domains listed in the non-adult part of the Open Directory and millions of additional sites of general interest to maintain a fulltext index of highly relevant web sites. LINUXDIG.COM, "Yours News and Resource Site", was started in May 2001 as a hobby site with the original intention of getting the RFC's online and becoming an Open Source software link/download site. But since that time the site has evolved to become a RFC distribution site, linux news site and a locally written technology news site (with bad grammer :)) with focus on Linux while also containing articles about anything and everything we find interesting in the computer world. LinuxDig.Com contains about 20,000 documents and this number is growing everyday! Each month more than 20 million people visit Whether it be home repair and decorating ideas, recipes, movie trailers, or car buying tips, our Guides offer practical advice and solutions for every day life. Wherever you land on the new, you'll find other content that is relevant to your interests. If you're looking for "How To" advice on planning to re-finish your deck, we'll also show you the tools you need to get the job done. If you've been to About before, we'll show you the latest updates, so you don't see the same thing twice. No matter where you are on, or how you got here, you'll always find content that is relevant to your needs. Should you wish to possess your own localised searcheable version please make use of the available "dict", version at the Linux Documentation Project home page, The author has decided to leave it up to readers to determine how to install and run it on their specific systems. An alternative form of the dictionary is available at: Fultus Corporation helps writers and companies to publish, promote, market, and sell books and eBooks. Fultus combines traditional self-publishing practices with modern technology to produce paperback and hardcover print-on-demand (POD) books and electronic books (eBooks). Fultus publishes works (fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, mystery, ...) by both published and unpublished authors. We enable you to self-publish easily and cost-effectively, creating your book as a print-ready paperback or hardcover POD book or as an electronic book (eBook) in multiple eBook's formats. You retain all rights to your work. We provide distribution to bookstores worldwide. And all at a fraction of the cost of traditional publishing. We also offer corporate publishing solutions that enable businesses to produce and deliver manuals and documentation more efficiently and economically. Our use of electronic delivery and print-on-demand technologies reduces printed inventory and saves time. Please inform the author as to whether you would like to create a database or an alternative form of the dictionary so that he can include you in this list. Also note that the author considers breaches of copyright to be extremely serious. He will pursue all claims to the fullest extent of the law.
A step-by-step approach provides practical, easy-to-follow instruction for mastering the AutoLISP programming language. Content ranges from basic to advanced programming techniques and includes all AutoLISP functions through Release 14. Complete instructions describe how to create useful and productive routines and programs.
Take control of AutoCAD for a more efficient, streamlined workflow AutoCAD Platform Customization is the most comprehensive guide to streamlining and personalizing the AutoCAD platform. The AutoLISP and VBA programming languages open up a myriad of customization options, and this book provides expert guidance toward applying them to AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Plant 3D, and other programs based on the Autodesk AutoCAD platform. Detailed discussions backed by real-world examples and step-by-step tutorials provide user-friendly instruction, and downloadable datasets allow for hands-on learning. Through customization you can increase screen real estate, streamline workflows, and create more accurate drawings by unleashing powerful programming languages that allow the user to command the software how to work, instead of the other way around. AutoCAD customization is commonly performed by system administrators and CAD managers, but senior drafters and savvy users are increasingly taking customization into their own hands. AutoLISP and VBA are two popular and versatile tools that allow for going beyond the boundaries of normal user interface customization options, allowing users to: Enforce drawing and CAD standards, and automate repetitive tasks Customize the workspace, including tool sets, ribbon tabs and panels, and palettes Modify graphical objects, set system variables, integrate with external software, and more Manage blocks, change the interface, create dialog boxes, and communicate with Microsoft Office applications The ideal design environment puts the tools you need right at your fingertips, removes unnecessary steps, and fosters precision through good communication. Customizing, including applying AutoLISP and VBA to AutoCAD, enables all of this and much more. For the designer who needs to work smarter because it's impossible to work any harder, AutoCAD Platform Customization provides the key information, insight, and techniques that will help to increase your productivity with AutoCAD.
AutoCAD is the most widely used computer-aided design package in the world. Underneath AutoCAD is a powerful computing language called AutoLISP. This language is designed to automate many functions of AutoCAD. This book is a hands-on introduction to AutoLISP and its applications. AutoLISP is a unique and powerful language that allows you to write, debug, and modify programs extremely quickly, once you understand how the language itself works. Part I contains an easy-to-learn pictorial representation for data and code, a tool used to easily solve problems otherwise approached through trial and error method. Essential AutoLISP is the only book in its field that uses the pictorial representation. Part II is devoted to learning how AutoLISP processes the code entered. Part V not only explains the causes of most common error messages and how to solve them, but examines many other errors that don't necessarily give messages.