The History of Cigars in Davenport, Iowa chronicles cigar manufacturing in Davenport. Pictures of cigar boxes and cigar memorabilia are displayed in the book. Information on the cigar factory owners and dates of operation are included.
Vols. 12-20 include: Cigar Maker's International Union of America. Annual financial report (title varies slightly), 1886-94. (From 1886-91 issued as a numbered section of the periodical.)
The Quad Cities have a rich history of brewing that started with the influx of German citizens in the 1800s. Breweries were established on both sides of the Mississippi River. Some of these historic breweries managed to reopen after Prohibition, but national competition ultimately closed the last of these stalwarts in 1956. In 1989, Iowa created a special class "A" brewpub permit, and the first of many brewpubs in the area, Front Street Pub & Eatery, opened in 1992. Blue Cat Brew Pub, on the Illinois side of the river, opened shortly after. The brewing renaissance has helped to establish the Quad Cities as a craft beer destination. Join authors Michael McCarty and Kristin DeMarr as they celebrate the heady heritage of the region.
German immigrants created leafy beer gardens here nearly two centuries ago, establishing Bucktown as the heart of entertainment in downtown Davenport for generations. In 1916, the founding of the Tri-City Symphony Orchestra at the Burtis Opera House embodied the neighborhood's reputation for high culture. The numerous saloons and theaters, as well as the forty-two documented brothels that flourished within two blocks, lent a bawdy side to the good times. Varied industries thrived through World War II, and downtown bustled with shoppers visiting department stores like Petersen's. Later, the neighborhood struggled and declined as a farming crisis hit the region hard. With revitalized landmarks like the magnificent Hotel Blackhawk and the historic Redstone Building, the community is growing more vibrant as a place to live, work and play. Author Jonathan Turner explores this dynamic history and transformation.
For close to a decade, Charlie Humber’s discovery and documentation of the forgotten stories hidden beneath century-old wooden cigar box lids continues. In 2018, the initial volume of his series, headlined Cigar Box Lithographs: The Inside Stories Uncovered, “sparked” Charlie’s widely embraced, six-volume series that has attracted a dedicated following both in Canada and abroad. In the latest volume of his acclaimed series, Charlie spiritedly delves into a timely topic: serenading the alluring history of America’s Indigenous Peoples. As with his five previous volumes, he pays homage to historical times. Story by story, he utilizes cigar box lithographs as his guideposts to reach his principal objective.