2030 - The Sixth Thousandth Year

2030 - The Sixth Thousandth Year

Author: Paul R. Finch

Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishers

Published: 2023-11-10

Total Pages: 384

ISBN-13: 1647503132


From the opening chapter, we read: “It is time to rewrite ancient history! The chronology of ancient history as presented by modern secular scholarship is totally and emphatically bogus! The entire subject of biblical chronology, as well as all ancient world chronology, is herein challenged as never before.” Now, for the first time, Mr. Finch corrects the errors of past chronological studies. With this important research, it is now possible to finally create a chronology of the ancient world that, at long last, fits all the pieces perfectly together. This timely study puts biblical chronology together in a new light and is conclusively a breakthrough investigation that cannot be ignored. This exciting research is a must-read for all biblical students henceforward.

2030 Second Coming

2030 Second Coming

Author: Daniel Speck


Published: 2014-09-21

Total Pages: 190

ISBN-13: 9781502460073


Hidden in the stories of the life of Christ are prophetic clues to the year of His return. A Divine time scale recorded in Second Peter is the key that unlocks this ancient mystery. Although no man can know the day or hour, in 2030 Jesus Christ will return to rapture the Church, restore Israel and begin the thousand year Messianic age. Also revealed in the prophetic Scripture is the year that the Tribulation will begin (2023) as well as 7 years of plenty (2016) for believers to prepare for: "The test that is about to come upon the whole world."Covered as well in "2030 Second Coming" is the Seventh Trumpet post-Tribulation Rapture, deconstructing Darby's pre-Tribulation rapture, the invisible return heresy, the meaning of the Seven Seals Scroll, the Seven Churches of the last days, the restrainer is the mystery of iniquity, and the three pentagram mark of the beast.



Author: Paul R. Finch


Published: 2022-09-20

Total Pages: 0



Biblical Chronology; Ancient Chronology; Ancient History; History of Israel

The Year 2030 in Prophecy

The Year 2030 in Prophecy

Author: Pieter Voges

Publisher: Original Christianity

Published: 2023-12-04

Total Pages: 0



Jesus Christ gave the Sign of Jonah as proof of His deity and ministry. He enhanced the Sign and extended it to Jerusalem. That sign is also a prophecy to us! Together with other prophecies, it is reaching out to modern humans! It is an End Time Prophecy! And it counts down to the year 2030! As a Prophet, Christ is telling His followers much more. Those with knowledge and insight can see a message and warning that reaches out to the future! It is time to comprehend the greater significance and extended sequence! In the Gospel writings, we read of Jesus proclaiming that He would fulfill the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the great fish, so would Jesus also be in the belly of the earth and be resurrected. This is where most people understand that the prophecy ends. But there is more, much more. The whole book of Jonah is an End Times prophecy. It indicates what will happen in the Last Days and when it will happen! It counts down to 2030! God wants you to be informed ahead of time so that when it happens, you can know that it was written for you thousands of years ago. The Authority that caused it to be written for you is obviously still alive and has an influence on the world scene, as it is He that allows this fulfillment to happen, seeing that humankind has not repented. The following chapters provide insights: 1) Prophetic principles being applied 2) Jonah's prophecies revealed 3) Biblical time sequences revealed 4) Signs of the times 5) Rising powers of the world 6) Changes are coming. A new world order will oppress. 7) Towards the End Times and Last Days, the times of the Gentiles, the statute of Daniel. 8) The Last Days, as the Bible predicted 9) The Jubilee System Explained 10) Ukraine and Belarus 11) Takeover of Taiwan 12) Expansion in Israel and Wars 13) Africa 14) WW3? From the prophecies of Jonah and other prophets, and even the sayings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, we can see that 2030 will be significant. The countdown to 2030 will be devastating, as predicted in your Bible. The world will change. But there is wonderful news in the end. Many Internet links and Scriptures are provided as proof.

Apocalyptic Fever

Apocalyptic Fever

Author: Richard G. Kyle

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2012-08-01

Total Pages: 388

ISBN-13: 162189410X


How will the world end? Doomsday ideas in Western history have been both persistent and adaptable, peaking at various times, including in modern America. Public opinion polls indicate that a substantial number of Americans look for the return of Christ or some catastrophic event. The views expressed in these polls have been reinforced by the market process. Whether through purchasing paperbacks or watching television programs, millions of Americans have expressed an interest in end-time events. Americans have a tremendous appetite for prophecy, more than nearly any other people in the modern world. Why do Americans love doomsday? In Apocalyptic Fever, Richard Kyle attempts to answer this question, showing how dispensational premillennialism has been the driving force behind doomsday ideas. Yet while several chapters are devoted to this topic, this book covers much more. It surveys end-time views in modern America from a wide range of perspectives--dispensationalism, Catholicism, science, fringe religions, the occult, fiction, the year 2000, Islam, politics, the Mayan calendar, and more.

The Hidden Keys in the Bible

The Hidden Keys in the Bible

Author: Vernon Atkins

Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

Published: 2022-01-24

Total Pages: 264

ISBN-13: 1638448647


Is it really possible to unlock the mysteries of hidden secrets that are contained within the Bible? And what would be the reason for God and/or his Son to lock up true knowledge of who he and his Son is from his children, whom he says he loves very much and wishes that none should perish? Could it be that God wants to see if his children would go all out to know him and his Son? This would show true love for the parents, and God and his Son is no different than any other parent. They want to see how much the children loves them, and what better way for the child to show the parents that they are very much loved by the children than for the children to obey the parents, completely, without question. For the child at that point when the parent jumps for joy, for the child has shown very much respect for his parents, our God and his Son are no different than the parents of human children. It's almost like when a human parent hears for the first time their child say "Papa" or "Mama." It is complete joy to the parents, and likewise to the Father and his Son, when they see the children taking the time to seek them out, to know them firsthand. It is the same feeling as the human parents feel when the child says "Papa" or "Mama." This is when the Father starts to open up doors that were hidden from the rest of the world. This is how he shows you his love for you. The Father slowly releases his Spirit (Holy) a little bit here and there. It is only when you begin to put the pieces together that it becomes clear, and a key is given unto you; and the more you study his Word, his Bible, he releases more knowledge that is hidden from the rest of the world. Remember, the more you seek out the Father, the more he releases his knowledge to you. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15). What is 2 Timothy 2:15 saying? The Father is telling you to not put your trust in man (minister) to reveal his truth but to seek for him yourself. All you need to do is knock, seek, and ask with a pure heart, and he will come to you and be your God, and you will be his son or daughter. Those who have ears will hear. God bless us all.

The Spirit of the Matter

The Spirit of the Matter

Author: D. L. Watson

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2022-02-10

Total Pages: 348

ISBN-13: 1666735493


The Spirit of the Matter is born from a love of truth and a love of God’s word. When these two loves come together, we find the Scriptures are not only reliable and consistent, but a brilliantly designed set of instructions for life, reaching a depth of profundity that most Christian teachings fail to address. This book carefully examines the Christian notion that the Mosaic Law (Torah) no longer is applicable to believers and guides readers through an understanding of how and why the words of God spoken to the Old Testament writers are intensely relevant to people today. Readers will take a thought-provoking journey through topics such as: •Are we supposed to believe a literal seven-day account of creation in the book of Genesis? •Is it possible that the New Testament instructs those who believe in Jesus Christ to also obey certain commands in the Torah? •Is it conceivable that the Sabbath day as established in the creation story could also hold truths for the events of Revelation and the end times? This book will encourage you with a confidence that God’s word holds much more for believers than most have been taught to expect.

Jesus – When Is He Coming?

Jesus – When Is He Coming?

Author: Robert Y. Jackson

Publisher: AuthorHouse

Published: 2011-09-21

Total Pages: 237

ISBN-13: 1463415818


For many years its been taught, almost without contradiction, that no one can know when Jesus will return for His church. Thats because He spoke of His return saying, But of the day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, NOR THE SON, but only the Father. (Mark 13: 32). That indeed was true at the time Jesus said it; however, shortly after His resurrection He said something else that changed the situation concerning the knowledge of His return. He then said, ALL AUTHORITY has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. (Matthew 28: 18). Since Jesus now has ALL AUTHORITY in heaven and earth, its inconceivable that He Himself no longer knows when He will come for His church. That means Mark 13: 32 (above) was true for ONLY a short time after He said it. In I Thessalonians 4: 15 - 17, we have a description of Jesuss return for His church. Then Chapter 5 follows acknowledging that unbelievers will indeed have no idea when its about to happen; however, Verse 4 says, But YOU, brethren, are NOT IN DARKNESS that this day should overtake you as a thief. BELIEVERS ARE NOT IN DARKNESS ABOUT WHEN JESUS IS COMING. His return doesnt have to be a surprise to His Church. Therefore, this book examines both Bible prophecies and examples to see when Scripture indicates Jesus will return. The first chapter of this book shows from Scripture that, also contrary to general teaching, there is at least one major prophecy that must still be fulfilled BEFORE Jesus can come.