"Confederate States, Canal Zone, Danish West Indies, Guam, Hawaii, United Nations; United States administration: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Ryukyu Islands."
Contains 33 chapters embracing both the continental as well as offshore geology of South Africa. Arranged in ascending order from the oldest formations in the Barberton granite-greenstone terrane to the coastal and interior Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits that developed following the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent. Also provides a broad framework covering the geological setting and environment of the varied mineral resources encountered throughout the region.
What is money? We use it every day without giving it a thought. But money isn't limited to coins and paper. It includes a wide range of so-called primitive or traditional currency, surrogates for cash, and even things that are quite invisible. Join award-winning author Robert Leonard as he trots the globe exploring the development of money from the Stone Age to the Internet Age. You'll find a treasure trove inside this colorful, entertaining and authoritative book: gold, silver, and blocks of salt ... elephant tails, Yap stones, and chocolate bars ... iron nails, whale teeth, human skulls, and hundreds of other pieces of odd and curious money. Each has a fascinating story. Each holds a lesson for anyone who earns, spends, or collects money today. Book jacket.