What?s happening on the Planet of Libris? Books have started flying away and disappearing! Who would want to prevent citizens from reading? The Little Prince investigates and discovers a story of romance and jealousy . . . .
On this planet, two kingdoms are fighting over who gets to watch the sunset. One day, instead of fighting, they decide to play a game called Ludokaa. But the night before the big competition, the two communities are on the point of another battle . . . .
The Little Prince and Fox are called in to help when the magical king of the Okidians, the only one who can stop a deadly incoming asteroid, disappears.
On this planet, where comedy usually reigns, the Grand Buffoon has sunk into a depression and has forbidden his people to laugh. The Little Prince will soon discover that the Grand Buffoon is under the control of his prime minister, who wants to seize power . . .
Panic has broken out on the Planet of Trainiacs, where the only way to get around is by train! But the trains aren't running on time anymore, and they aren't getting to their final destination. Life in the community is topsy turvy! Has Hannibal, the railway switchman, gone crazy?
You are looking at (or: you are holding) the book Ex Libris by Matt Madden. Maybe you came looking for it, maybe you just came across it in a bookstore or at someone's house. Maybe you are reading this in a catalogue on a screen. What kind of adventure do you think takes place in these pages? To judge by the cover design and the title, it would seem that books themselves are a subject of this book. Does this book have a comic book as its hero? If you put the book down now, you'll never find out, but on the other hand imaginary, hypothetical versions of the story will branch off endlessly in some corner of your mind. If you do want to find out what happens, all you need to do is open the book and read the first page. But be careful: you might just get sucked in
On this planet, two arguing rulers built a great wall of ice separating the Crystallites from the Spherolites. The leaders promise to end the conflict, yet rumors of war persist. Secrets and lies prevent the two groups from coming back together. But two people—Shaaz and Zaac—have fallen in love despite being separated by the wall. Could their love reconcile all the people of this planet? The Little Prince and Fox do all they can to help restore peace.
The planet of Bamalias and its three satellite planets are in danger of cooling down. But the Little Prince has lost his memory. Can Fox help the Little Prince regain his memories and fix the planets? In graphic novel format.
On this planet, the emotions of the inhabitants nourish giant flowers--the Tear-Eaters--whose enormous petals protect the people from the terrible rain of fire that beats down on the planet every day. When the Little Prince arrives, the Tear-Eaters are in danger . . .
The Little Prince and Fox visit a planet covered in trees, where the roots hold the planet together. Two friends are about to compete in a race that will determine who should be the new Gargand--the one who plants the seeds to keep the trees growing. But the Snake is trying to shatter their friendship and destroy their planet. Will he succeed?