Defines the essential vocabulary of computers and the Internet, with more than one thousand entries, each with a sample sentence and supplementary notes, that cover everything from operating systems and software applications.
This A-Z provides 1001 words you need to know to make your writing and speaking effective, convincing, and expressive. With clear guidance on choosing the right word, this book is essential for anyone wanting to achieve greater success in written and spoken tasks including essays, interviews, CVs and application letters, reports, and more.
This fourth edition of ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science presents a thorough yet concise guide to the specific words that describe the materials, processes and systems relevant to the field of librarianship.
Whether you're a PC novice or you're already familiar with certain aspects of your PC, the book will help you get more from your PC. It's packed with simple, detailed explanations to help you expand your knowledge.
This is more than just a crossword dictionary: it helps beginners learn the most often-used words in crosswords (and their clues) and shows them how to avoid common tricks and traps. With this book, beginner crossword solvers can learn the ropes and quickly improve their puzzle skills. In addition to an alphabetical list of the most common crossword entries, based on an exhaustive analysis of published puzzle grids, it includes explanations of each answer with helpful details, a list of frequent clues, and tips on overcoming ploys to throw you off. (For instance, if you see the clue "Quarrel" and have most of the word filled in—S P A _—be careful before writing down that last letter, because the answer could be SPAR or SPAT.) Once you learn your crossword ABCs, you’ll complete the grids with confidence.
1001 Computer Words You Need to Know explains and illuminates the essential vocabulary of computers and the Internet. This comprehensive, but never condescending guide to the language of the electronic age carefully defines and explains every term with a sample sentence, and many entries have supplementary notes. In addition, the book includes a number of quick miniguides to managing your online life - dealing with Windows and Macs (and sometimes *nix), burning CDs and downloading files, word processing, spread-sheeting, connecting to the Internet (dialup, cable, DSL, wireless) surfing, IMing and emailing, taking digital photos, coping with networks, memory, and drives, and just plain coping with your computer. The backmatter contains an extensive list of helpful websites and an essay about online language and etiquette.