
Publisher: abecedário jurídico


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O Mistério dos senhores de vênus vol.III - deuses, venusianos e capelinos

O Mistério dos senhores de vênus vol.III - deuses, venusianos e capelinos

Author: Jorge Bessa

Publisher: Tagore Editora

Published: 2017-09-13

Total Pages: 143

ISBN-13: 8540900548


A trilogia – O Mistério dos Senhores de Vênus: Os Deuses Que Vieram do Céu; A Pluralidade dos Mundos Habitados e a Evolução do Homem; Deuses, Venusianos e Capelinos é o resultado de vários anos de pesquisa de Jorge da Silva Bessa que se consagra como profundo estudioso das mitologias e crenças religiosas que marcaram a história da humanidade. Nas quase 500 páginas desta trilogia o autor procura mostrar que, ao longo de nossa história, sempre estivemos amparados e sendo instruídos por elevadíssimas consciências espirituais, conhecidas como deuses, “jardineiros siderais”, “anjos do Senhor” e extraterrestres, entre outras denominações, no seio de quasetodasasgrandescivilizaçõesdopassado. Os deuses do passado, hoje, estão cada vez mais presentes, pois jamais deixaram a humanidade à sua própria sorte. Eles são os mesmos sábios espíritos de outrora, encarregados da execução direta da evolução planetária, que agora intervêm, de forma mais direta para promover essa mudança que alguns chamam Nova Era,FimdoMundoouApocalipse.

The Arthur of the Iberians

The Arthur of the Iberians

Author: David Hook

Publisher: University of Wales Press

Published: 2015-06-15

Total Pages: 549

ISBN-13: 1783162422


This book fills the Iberian linguistic and geographical gap in Arthurian studies, replacing the now-outdated work by William J. Entwistle (1925). It covers Arthurian material in all the major Peninsular Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician); it follows the spread of Arthurian material overseas with the seaborne expansion of Spain and Portugal from Iberia into America and Asia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; and, as well as examining the specifically Arthurian texts themselves, it traces the continued influence of the medieval Arthurian material and its impact on the society, literature and culture of the Golden Age and beyond, including its presence in Don Quixote, the influential Spanish Arthurian-inspired romance Amadís de Gaula, and in Spanish ballads. Such was its influence that we find an indigenous American woman called ‘Iseo’ (Iseult); and an Arthurian story appeared in an indigenous language of the Philippines, Tagalog, as late as the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Planeta Misterio

Planeta Misterio

Author: Andrés Lainez

Publisher: Andrés Lainez

Published: 2021-01-19

Total Pages: 199



Prólogo Han pasado 500 años desde que la séptima guerra mundial en la tierra dejara al planeta totalmente inhabitable, la humanidad estuvo a punto de extinguirse. Los pocos humanos que sobrevivieron a tan devastadora guerra se separaron en 2 grupos: uno se quedó en la Tierra en una inmensa nave acuática creada como un refugio de guerra para sobrevivir en caso de que ocurriera un holocausto, aquella nave tenía todo lo necesario para sobrevivir aproximadamente por 200 años. El otro grupo de humanos viajó hacia un Planeta recién descubierto llamado Misterio. ¡El momento del reencuentro ha llegado! Trailer Book :

Las batallas por la supervivencia del cosmos

Las batallas por la supervivencia del cosmos

Author: Wolf Walker

Publisher: Palibrio

Published: 2012-10

Total Pages: 627

ISBN-13: 146333981X


Bienvenido querido lector, bienvenido a la saga "Las batallas por la supervivencia del cosmos" y, en concreto, al primer episodio titulado "El comienzo del inicio" que se subdividira en cuatro libros. Para comenzar, veremos el primer tomo titulado "El planeta de Dronag y su primer poder." Este primer libro contiene las aventuras de Dronag, quien nacio con el unico proposito de cancelar el ciclo cosmico o, mejor dicho, destruir a todo el cosmos. Asi que comenzaremos con el nacimiento de este ser destructivo. La historia se desarrollara principalmente en su planeta; aunque hay cuatro seres que narran los sucesos que ocurren en otro universo pero que son importantes en el transcurso de la accion. Otros personajes importantes son las cadetes, quienes lucharan para convertirse en la siguiente princesa guerrera; los integrantes del clan ollac, el gigante Sot-ord, la sombra del dia y la de la oscuridad, asi como el rey azul. Todos ellos tienen distintas historias que influiran en la existencia de Dronag de una u otra forma. Bienvenido querido lector a este primer libro en donde encontrara fabulosas aventuras con inesperados sucesos, los cuales seran narrados en parte por los propios personajes que las vivieron y por otra parte seran narrados por mi mismo.

Acabou chorare

Acabou chorare

Author: Marcio Gaspar

Publisher: Edições Sesc SP

Published: 2020-10-14

Total Pages: 115

ISBN-13: 6586111129


The second book of the Brazilian Music Records series features Acabou chorare, a mix of Jimi Hendrix's distorted rock and João Gilberto's bossa nova beat, with Novos Baianos at their best. In the book, the journalist Marcio Gaspar interviews musicians and other artists linked to the large Novos Baianos community to review the history of the album that blended rock, samba, bossa nova, experimentalism... and had an unprecedented impact on social behavior. As Paulinho Boca states in the book: "We were perhaps the first opinion leaders of Brazilian youth. Leaving the buildings for the squares, a new race". The Brazilian Music Records series, published in Portuguese and English, is edited by the music critic Lauro Lisboa Garcia.

Transatlantic Mysteries

Transatlantic Mysteries

Author: William J. Nichols

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield

Published: 2011

Total Pages: 207

ISBN-13: 161148040X


Transatlantic Mysteries presents a comparative study that brings together authors Paco Ignacio Taibo II and Manuel Vázquez Montalbán --from two specific political contexts: post-1968 Mexico and post-Franco Spain-- who both work in one specific genre--"noir" detective fiction. In this so called age of globalization, Spain and Mexico have witnessed an explosion in the production of "noir" detective fiction which these authors choose purposefully in order to infiltrate the market with formulaic "popular" literature while simultaneously critiquing the effects of the neoliberal strategies embraced by their countries. By locating themselves at the crossroads where literature meets the market, they not only underscore the effects of capital onliterary and cultural production but also explore the possibility for their writing to resist the influences of capital and question the role of an intellectual in an era of globalization. At the core of their writing Taibo and Vázquez Montalbánexamine the revolutionary possibilities of literature and popular culture to offer a new kind of Marxist project that revitalizes the Left by redefining the role of socially engaged literature in a globalized landscape.