Minerals of California

Minerals of California

Author: H. Earl Pemberton

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 674

ISBN-13: 1468466380


In 1866 William P. Blake, professor of mineralogy, geology and mining at the College of California, parent to the University of California, Berkeley, prepared as a report to the State Board of Agriculture an "Annotated Catalog of the Principal Mineral Species Hitherto Recognized in California and the adjoining States and Territories. " Seventy-seven mineral species appeared on the list. It was the beginning of a series that became known as Minerals of California. This first catalog was followed in 1884 and 1886 by a list of 135 species compiled by H. G. Hanks, the first state mineralogist of California, and pubĀ· lished in the fourth and sixth State Mining Bureau reports. Then beginning in 1914 with a volume prepared by A. S. Eakle, professor of mineralogy at the Uni versity of California, Berkeley, the Division of Mines and Geology published new editions in the series at approximately ten-year intervals. Author Year Mineral Species A. S. Eakle 1914 352 A. S. Eakle 1923 417 A. Pabst 1938 446 J. Murdoch and R. W. Webb 1948 516 J. Murdoch and R. W. Webb 1956 523 J. Murdoch and R. W. Webb 1966 602 (For a more detailed review of the Minerals of California series, see I. Campbell, 1966, pp. 13-19. ) For over 100 years the series has served those who have a historic, scientific or economic interest in California minerals.

Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining

Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining

Author: Roger Marjoribanks

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 123

ISBN-13: 9401158223


This book is written as a practical field manual to effective. Each geolOgist has to develop his/her be used by geologists engaged in mineral explo own techniques and will ultimately be judged on ration. It is also hoped that it will serve as a text results, not the process by which these results and reference for students in Applied Geology were reached. In mineral exploration, the only courses of universities and colleges. The book 'right' way of doing anything is the way that aims to outline some of the practical skills that locates ore in the quickest and most cost-effective turn the graduate geologist into an explo manner. It is preferable, however, for an individ rationist:. It is intended as a practical 'how to' ual to develop his/her own method of operation book, rather than as a text on geological or ore after having tried, and become aware of, those deposit theory. procedures which experience has shown to work An explorationist is a professional who search well and which are generally accepted in indus try as good exploration practice. es for ore bodies in a scientific and structured way. Although an awkward and artificial term, The chapters of the book approximately fol this is the only available word to describe the low the steps which a typical exploration pro totality of the skills which are needed to locate gramme would go through. In Chapter 1, the and define economic mineralization.