How to Assess Authentic Learning
Author: Kay Burke
Publisher: Corwin
Published: 1999-06
Total Pages: 244
DOWNLOAD EBOOKFormerly a SkyLight publication. Assessment has emerged as one of the major components in the restructured school. "Alternative," "performance," and "authentic assessment" are on the lips of every educator, administrator, and consultant in the country. Renowned author and educator Dr. Kay Burke supplies teachers with a wide range of alternative assessments that can be implemented easily and immediately into their classrooms, and takes readers step-by-step in building a conceptual understanding of this approach and demonstrates practical applications of assessment strategies. Teachers will gain insight into: Building observation checklists What metacognitive reflection is and how to use it Developing a unit plan using a multiple intelligences grid Designing performance tasks and rubrics When and where to use learning logs and journals New ways to assess student interviews and conferences A more effective approach to using grades Constructing better teacher-made tests