ECOOP '88 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming

ECOOP '88 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming

Author: Stein Gjessing

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1988-07-19

Total Pages: 418

ISBN-13: 3540500537


The field of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has attracted increasing attention during the last few years. OOP is now recognized as an important tool for making better and more flexible information systems. This book is the proceedings of the second European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '88) that was held in Oslo, Norway, from August 15 to 17, 1988. The objectives of ECOOP '88 were to present the best international work in the field of OOP to interested persons from industry and academia, and to be a forum for the exchange of ideas and the growth of professional relationships. Each of the 103 papers submitted was subject to a thorough refereeing process. The 22 papers selected are collected in these proceedings together with one invited paper. These 23 papers from 13 different countries comprise the currently best international work in the field of OOP. The contents of the papers include areas such as: Theory, Languages, Didactics, Implementation, Applications, Concurrency and Databases. The interest in object-oriented programming is rapidly increasing, especially within the areas of Concurrency and Databases. With its 5 papers on concurrency and 7 papers on databases, the proceedings contain important new material on these subjects. This book is a must for persons who want to keep themselves up to date in the field of OOP.



Author: Stephen Cook

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 1989

Total Pages: 410

ISBN-13: 9780521382328


This volume contains the refereed papers presented at ECOOP 89. They cover topics of contemporary interest in this increasingly active area of computer science research, from formal methods through software engineering to implementations.

ECOOP '88 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming

ECOOP '88 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming

Author: Stein Gjessing

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2007-03-11

Total Pages: 419

ISBN-13: 3540459103


“ ..... object oriented seems to be becoming in the 1980s what structured programming was in the 1970s. ” Brian Randell and Pete Lee This quotation is from the invitation to the annual Newcastle University Conference on Main Trends in Computing, September 1988. It seems to capture the situation quite well, only that the object orientation is being materialised in languages and language constructs, as well as in the style of programming and as a perspective upon the task considered. The second European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP’88) was held in Oslo, Norway, August 15-17, 1988, in the city where object oriented programming was born more than 20 years ago, when the Simula language appeared. The objectives of ECOOP’88 were to present the best international work in the field of object oriented programming to interested participants from industry and academia, and to be a forum for the exchange of ideas and the growth of professional relationships.

Algebraic and Logic Programming

Algebraic and Logic Programming

Author: Jan Grabowski

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1989-07-04

Total Pages: 284

ISBN-13: 9783540506676


This volume contains the proceedings of the First International Workshop on Algebraic and Logic Programming held in Gaussig (German Democratic Republic) from November 14 to 18, 1988. The workshop was devoted to Algebraic Programming, in the sense of programming by algebraic specifications and rewrite rule systems, and Logic Programming, in the sense of Horn clause specifications and resolution systems. This includes combined algebraic/logic programming systems, mutual relations and mutual implementation of programming paradigms, completeness and efficiency considerations in both fields, as well as related topics.

Computational Geometry and Its Applications

Computational Geometry and Its Applications

Author: Hartmut Noltemeier

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1988-10-12

Total Pages: 264

ISBN-13: 9783540503354


The International Workshop CG '88 on "Computational Geometry" was held at the University of Würzburg, FRG, March 24-25, 1988. As the interest in the fascinating field of Computational Geometry and its Applications has grown very quickly in recent years the organizers felt the need to have a workshop, where a suitable number of invited participants could concentrate their efforts in this field to cover a broad spectrum of topics and to communicate in a stimulating atmosphere. This workshop was attended by some fifty invited scientists. The scientific program consisted of 22 contributions, of which 18 papers with one additional paper (M. Reichling) are contained in the present volume. The contributions covered important areas not only of fundamental aspects of Computational Geometry but a lot of interesting and most promising applications: Algorithmic Aspects of Geometry, Arrangements, Nearest-Neighbor-Problems and Abstract Voronoi-Diagrams, Data Structures for Geometric Objects, Geo-Relational Algebra, Geometric Modeling, Clustering and Visualizing Geometric Objects, Finite Element Methods, Triangulating in Parallel, Animation and Ray Tracing, Robotics: Motion Planning, Collision Avoidance, Visibility, Smooth Surfaces, Basic Models of Geometric Computations, Automatizing Geometric Proofs and Constructions.

Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science

Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science

Author: Kesav V. Nori

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1988-11-17

Total Pages: 538

ISBN-13: 9783540505174


This volume contains the proceedings of the 8th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science held in Pune, India, on December 21-23, 1988. This internationally well-established Indian conference series provides a forum for actively investigating the interface between theory and practice of Software Science. It also gives an annual occasion for interaction between active research communities in India and abroad. Besides attractive invited papers the volume contains carefully reviewed submitted papers on the following topics: Automata and Formal Languages, Graph Algorithms and Geometric Algorithms, Distributed Computing, Parallel Algorithms, Database Theory, Logic Programming, Programming Methodology, Theory of Algorithms, Semantics and Complexity.

Statistical and Scientific Database Management

Statistical and Scientific Database Management

Author: Maurizio Rafanelli

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1989-02-08

Total Pages: 468

ISBN-13: 9783540505754


The Fourth International Working Conference on Statistical and Scientific Data Base Management (IV SSDBM) held on June 21-23, 1988 in Rome, Italy, continued the series of conferences initiated in California in December 1981. The purpose of this conference was to bring together database researchers, users and system builders, working in this specific field, to discuss the particular points of interest, to propose new solutions to the problems of the domain and to expand the topics of the previous conferences, both from the theoretical and from the applicational point of view. The papers of four scientific sessions dealt with the following topics: knowledge base and expert system, data model, natural language processing, query language, time performance, user interface, heterogeneous data classification, storage constraints, automatic drawing, ranges and trackers, and arithmetic coding. Two other special sessions presented work on progress papers on geographical data modelling, spatial database queries, user interface in an Object Oriented SDB, interpretation of queries, graphical query language and knowledge browsing front ends. The conference also had three invited papers on topics of particular interest such as "Temporal Data", "Statistical Data Management Requirements" and "Knowledge Based Decision Support Systems", included in this volume. The introductory paper by M. Rafanelli provides both an introduction to the general concepts helpful to people outside the field and a survey of all the papers in these Proceedings. Furthermore, there were three open panels. Papers by the chairmen, contributions of the panelists and a summary of the respective discussions are included in this volume, too.

Efficient Structures for Geometric Data Management

Efficient Structures for Geometric Data Management

Author: Oliver Günther

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1988-11-09

Total Pages: 152

ISBN-13: 9783540504634


More MRCP Part 1 provides five further mock MRCP type examination papers for quick self-assessment. It contains another collection of multiple choice questions used in the Bloomsbury MRCP Part 1 course and supplements the previously published volume: Johnson/Pozniak, MRCP Part 1. Any candidate preparing for such examinations will find valuable guidelines as to the strengths and weaknesses of his knowledge.

Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems

Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems

Author: Mathai Joseph

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1988-09-14

Total Pages: 244

ISBN-13: 9783540503026


This book is based on material from current research projects and cooperations and from a recent workshop in the area of Knowledge Base Management Systems. It contains 25 revised papers and related discussions that concentrate on the integration of Database Technology (deductive databases, extended relational technology, object-oriented systems) and Artificial Intelligence (in particular logic programming and knowledge representation). The emphasis of the book is on the integration of DB/AI technology required for knowledge Base Management Systems. The book isolates major conceptual contributions, systems extensions, and reseach directions that lead towards that goal. This book is a European counterpart to another volume in the Topics in Information Systems Series, 'On Knowledge Base Management Systems', resulting from a North American workshop and edited by M. Brodie and J. Mylopoulos, which concentrates on theoretical results and the more abstract levels of Knowledge Base Management.

Recent Trends in Data Type Specification

Recent Trends in Data Type Specification

Author: Donald Sannella

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 1988-10-26

Total Pages: 280

ISBN-13: 9783540503255


The Fifth Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types took place 1-4 September 1987 in Gullane, near Edinburgh. This book contains papers based on selected talks presented at the workshop. The algebraic specification of abstract data types has been a flourishing topic in computer science since 1974. The main goal of work in this area is to evolve a methodology to support the design and formal development of reliable software. The particular approach taken builds upon concepts from universal algebra and elementary category theory. The core of this work has now stabilized to a great extent and is mature enough to find application in real-life software engineering and to related topics such as concurrency, databases, and even hardware design. Such applications are becoming more feasible because of the emergence of integrated specification/development environments which include tools such as theorem provers based on fast term rewriting engines. Researchers are also exploring ways of widening the scope of the theory to make it applicable to (for example) higher-order functions and non-deterministic programs. Another trend is toward taking a more general view which allows superficially different approaches having the same general aims and methods to be unified.