AQA GCSE Maths: Foundation
Author: Stephen Fearnley
Publisher: Oxford University Press - Children
Published: 2015-11-05
Total Pages:
ISBN-13: 0198376812
DOWNLOAD EBOOKPlease note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2017 AQA GCSE Maths, Foundation Student Book has been approved by AQA and specially written by a team of maths experts for the Foundation tier of AQA's 2015 GCSE specification. Designed to fully support the new style of assessment, the book adopts a clear style to focus on delivering exam success via the careful development of fluency and problem solving practice. Powered by MyMaths the book links directly to the ever popular web site offering students a further source of appropriate support.