El camino de Buenos Aires

El camino de Buenos Aires

Author: Albert Londres

Publisher: Libros del Zorzal

Published: 2020

Total Pages: 156

ISBN-13: 9875992720


En el año 1927 Albert Londres viajó de incógnito a la Argentina para llevar adelante una investigación sobre la trata de blancas. El camino de Buenos Aires, fruto de esa investigación, es mucho más que una crónica ocurrente o el relato de un viaje por el “paraíso de los rufianes”: constituye un testimonio polémico sobre la Argentina y un precioso documento sobre el circuito internacional del hampa.



Author: Martin Rascon

Publisher: Palibrio

Published: 2012-08

Total Pages: 143

ISBN-13: 1463331436


Una vida es resumida por años vividos, lugares recorridos, novia, amigos, desdichas, sonrisas, amantes, y uno que otro pedantes. Pero lo mas importante, una vida se escribe con momentos. Pequeños momentos, que ha copilarce se convierten en un gran evento. Este libro es un relato de corta vida desihilada en esos pequeños momentos, los cuales me han llevado a sitios nunca imaginados, sitios solo soñados. Podras apreciar mis tonterias como yo les llamo. Tendras la oportunidad de ver las cosas con los ojos que yo las miro. Podra ser categorizado cursi, romantico, mentiroso, o vanidoso, o solo yo. Siempre he dicho que soy un traductor de sueños, mientras tu duermes me introduzco en tus sueños y me robo las ideas, traduciendolas en escritos. En fin, es un libro basado en una ideologia que aprendí hace mucho gracias al gran inventor y filosofo Leonardo Da Vinci " mientras pensaba que estaba aprendiendo como vivir, todo este tiempo he estado aprendiendo como morir". Viviendo así mi vida disfrutando cada momento, enamorandome cada vez que sea oportuno o no lo sea, disfrutando la vida ya que desde el momento en el que nacemos iniciamos ha morir.

Imagined Communities

Imagined Communities

Author: Benedict Anderson

Publisher: Verso Books

Published: 2006-11-17

Total Pages: 338

ISBN-13: 178168359X


What are the imagined communities that compel men to kill or to die for an idea of a nation? This notion of nationhood had its origins in the founding of the Americas, but was then adopted and transformed by populist movements in nineteenth-century Europe. It became the rallying cry for anti-Imperialism as well as the abiding explanation for colonialism. In this scintillating, groundbreaking work of intellectual history Anderson explores how ideas are formed and reformulated at every level, from high politics to popular culture, and the way that they can make people do extraordinary things. In the twenty-first century, these debates on the nature of the nation state are even more urgent. As new nations rise, vying for influence, and old empires decline, we must understand who we are as a community in the face of history, and change.

Bismarck: Some Secret Pages of His History (Complete)

Bismarck: Some Secret Pages of His History (Complete)

Author: Moritz Busch

Publisher: Library of Alexandria


Total Pages: 114

ISBN-13: 1465532161


The work which I now present to the German people contains a complete account of all the events of which I was a witness during my intercourse of over twenty years with Prince Bismarck and his entourage. Part of it is not entirely new, as I have embodied in it portions of the book published by me in 1878, under the title: Prince Bismarck and his People during the Franco-German War. I have, however, restored the numerous passages which it was then deemed expedient to omit, and I have also dispensed with the many modifications by which, at that time, certain asperities of language had to be toned down. The bulk of the present work consists of a detailed narrative of the whole period of my intercourse with the Prince both before and after the French campaign. I collected and noted down all these particulars respecting Prince Bismarck and his immediate supporters and assistants, in the first place for my own use, and secondly as a contribution to the character and history of the Political Regenerator of Germany. The sole object of the diary which forms the basis of this work was to serve as a record of the whole truth so far as I had been able to ascertain it with my own eyes and ears. Any other object was out of the question, as it was impossible that I could desire to deceive myself. Subsequently, when I thought of publishing my notes, I was fully conscious of my responsibility towards history, the interests of which could not be promoted by material that had been coloured or garbled for party purposes. I wished neither to be an eulogist nor a censor. To my mind, panegyric was superfluous, and fault-finding was for me an impossibility. A tendency to the sensational is foreign to my nature, and I leave the pleasure to be derived from grand spectacular shows to lovers of the theatre. I desired to record the mental and other characteristics which our first Chancellor presented to me under such and such circumstances, thus helping to complete, and at times to rectify, the conception of his whole nature that has been formed in the public mind from his political activity. The profound reverence which I feel for the genius of the hero, and my patriotic gratitude for his achievements, have not deterred me from communicating numerous details which will be displeasing to many persons. These particulars, however, are part of the historic character of the personality whom I am describing. The gods alone are free from error, passion, and changes of disposition. They alone have no seamy side and no contradictions. Even the sun and moon show spots and blemishes, but notwithstanding these they remain magnificent celestial orbs. The picture produced out of the materials which I have here brought together may present harsh and rough features, but it has hardly a single ignoble trait. Its crudeness only adds to its truth to nature, its individuality, and its clearness of outline. This figure does not float in an ethereal atmosphere, it is firmly rooted in earth and breathes of real life, yet it conveys a sense of something superhuman. It must furthermore be remembered that many of the bitter remarks, such as those made previous to March, 1890, were the result of temporary irritation, while others were perfectly justified. The strong self-confidence manifested in some of these utterances, and the angry expression of that need for greater power and more liberty of action, common to all men of genius and energetic character, arose from the consciousness that, while he alone knew the true object to be pursued and the fitting means for its achievement, his knowledge could not be applied because the right of final decision on all occasions belonged by hereditary privilege to more or less mediocre and narrow minds.

La Vida Nos Regala Un Ramo de Flores

La Vida Nos Regala Un Ramo de Flores

Author: Alma Liliana Treviño Garcia

Publisher: Palibrio

Published: 2011-09

Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 1463306288


La vida es un libro; cada día, cada amigo, cada acontecimiento, hace que fluyan escritos; episodios de mi propia vida, otros de confidencias de mis amigos (as) y en mi muy particular concepción de ver las cosas, escribo. Todos vamos a bordo de la vida, y veo a la gente, conocida y desconocida, como miles de libros, una biblioteca, aprenderemos de todos algo. Al escribir también pinto; con tantos colores que tal vez sentirás que para ti fue diseñado, que si bien todos somos, únicos, existirán siempre vivencias con las que nos sentimos identificados. Encontrarás en este libro, de todo un poco; alegrías, tristezas, ilusiones, decepciones, fuertes situaciones, pero de todo lo vivido he aprendido, y deseo que algo bueno deje en tu vida lo que yo llevo recorrido

Hispanic Folk Songs of New Mexico

Hispanic Folk Songs of New Mexico

Author: John Donald Robb

Publisher: UNM Press

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 99

ISBN-13: 0826344348


Folk music fans and teachers will welcome this new edition of a New Mexico classic, now in a useful spiral binding.

Rituals of Rule, Rituals of Resistance

Rituals of Rule, Rituals of Resistance

Author: William H. Beezley

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield

Published: 1994

Total Pages: 412

ISBN-13: 9780842024174


Presents readers with scholarship on public celebrations and popular culture throughout Mexican history. This book discusses aspects of Mexico's popular culture from the seventeenth century onwards. It examines a range of Mexican expression, including Corpus Christi celebrations, New Spain, stone murals, and folk theater.

En Busca de Mi Destino

En Busca de Mi Destino

Author: Irma Reyes Herrera

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2012-01-05

Total Pages: 307

ISBN-13: 1453590358


Conmovedora e inspiradora. En Busca de Mi Destino cuenta una historia verdadera de amor de familia. Un relato maravilloso que muestra la resistencia del espíritu humano; prueba que hay fuerza en la unidad, y refleja el vínculo especial entre padres e hijos. Es la historia de una mujer que ha vivido su vida en dos culturas diferentes. Vivió su niñez y adolescencia en un pueblo Maya en Guatemala, donde las costumbres eran drásticas y dramáticas. Cuando se convirtió en madre soltera de tres niños pequeños, vivía en California, sin conocer las costumbres ni el idioma. Sin perder su compostura, les prometió a sus hijos que juntos sobrevivirían los obstáculos de los años venideros, y los guiaría, los cuidaría, y los amaría incondicionalmente hasta que ellos triunfaran en la vida. Aunque enfrentó muchos retos, ella perseveró en la búsqueda de amor, paz, felicidad y unión familiar. Los lectores podrán ser testigos de su fascinante historia en: En Busca de Mi Destino. Un libro por: Irma Reyes Herrera. Más que una autobiografía, En Busca de Mi Destino es el trayecto espiritual de una mujer con la determinación de adquirir control sobre su vida, encontrar su propósito, y por lo tanto, su destino. PADRES Relacionen y se darán cuenta de lo que comúnmente experimentamos. ABUELOS Les traerá recuerdos de cuando ustedes criaron a sus hijos. JOVENES Tendrán una idea de lo que es criar hijos, y el amor que se siente por ellos. NIÑOS Se inspirarán para tener una bella historia de su propia familia.